
504.95 3.70 (0.74%)

Max pain for PFC

02 Jul 2024 10:32 AM IST

Max Pain for PFC is 490  

Strike  340  has a total call value of 0  versus a total put value of  223,859,350,000 Combined total value = 223,859,350,000

Strike  345  has a total call value of 0  versus a total put value of  215,088,250,000 Combined total value = 215,088,250,000

Strike  350  has a total call value of 0  versus a total put value of  206,317,150,000 Combined total value = 206,317,150,000

Strike  355  has a total call value of 0  versus a total put value of  197,656,550,000 Combined total value = 197,656,550,000

Strike  360  has a total call value of 0  versus a total put value of  188,995,950,000 Combined total value = 188,995,950,000

Strike  365  has a total call value of 0  versus a total put value of  180,335,350,000 Combined total value = 180,335,350,000

Strike  370  has a total call value of 0  versus a total put value of  171,674,750,000 Combined total value = 171,674,750,000

Strike  375  has a total call value of 0  versus a total put value of  163,014,150,000 Combined total value = 163,014,150,000

Strike  380  has a total call value of 0  versus a total put value of  154,353,550,000 Combined total value = 154,353,550,000

Strike  385  has a total call value of 0  versus a total put value of  145,797,600,000 Combined total value = 145,797,600,000

Strike  390  has a total call value of 0  versus a total put value of  137,241,650,000 Combined total value = 137,241,650,000

Strike  395  has a total call value of 0  versus a total put value of  128,713,650,000 Combined total value = 128,713,650,000

Strike  400  has a total call value of 0  versus a total put value of  120,185,650,000 Combined total value = 120,185,650,000

Strike  405  has a total call value of 182,650,000  versus a total put value of  112,266,700,000 Combined total value = 112,449,350,000

Strike  410  has a total call value of 365,300,000  versus a total put value of  104,347,750,000 Combined total value = 104,713,050,000

Strike  415  has a total call value of 547,950,000  versus a total put value of  96,848,050,000 Combined total value = 97,396,000,000

Strike  420  has a total call value of 730,600,000  versus a total put value of  89,348,350,000 Combined total value = 90,078,950,000

Strike  425  has a total call value of 913,250,000  versus a total put value of  82,038,450,000 Combined total value = 82,951,700,000

Strike  430  has a total call value of 1,095,900,000  versus a total put value of  74,754,550,000 Combined total value = 75,850,450,000

Strike  435  has a total call value of 1,278,550,000  versus a total put value of  67,863,250,000 Combined total value = 69,141,800,000

Strike  440  has a total call value of 1,461,200,000  versus a total put value of  60,971,950,000 Combined total value = 62,433,150,000

Strike  445  has a total call value of 1,643,850,000  versus a total put value of  54,477,800,000 Combined total value = 56,121,650,000

Strike  450  has a total call value of 1,839,500,000  versus a total put value of  48,018,100,000 Combined total value = 49,857,600,000

Strike  455  has a total call value of 2,236,650,000  versus a total put value of  42,526,900,000 Combined total value = 44,763,550,000

Strike  460  has a total call value of 2,663,050,000  versus a total put value of  37,118,250,000 Combined total value = 39,781,300,000

Strike  465  has a total call value of 3,141,450,000  versus a total put value of  32,245,850,000 Combined total value = 35,387,300,000

Strike  470  has a total call value of 3,647,800,000  versus a total put value of  27,509,950,000 Combined total value = 31,157,750,000

Strike  475  has a total call value of 4,443,400,000  versus a total put value of  23,236,850,000 Combined total value = 27,680,250,000

Strike  480  has a total call value of 5,284,500,000  versus a total put value of  19,149,650,000 Combined total value = 24,434,150,000

Strike  485  has a total call value of 6,760,650,000  versus a total put value of  15,908,750,000 Combined total value = 22,669,400,000

Strike  490  has a total call value of 8,535,800,000  versus a total put value of  12,884,950,000 Combined total value = 21,420,750,000

Strike  495  has a total call value of 11,064,300,000  versus a total put value of  10,379,850,000 Combined total value = 21,444,150,000

Strike  500  has a total call value of 13,795,600,000  versus a total put value of  7,987,200,000 Combined total value = 21,782,800,000

Strike  505  has a total call value of 19,260,150,000  versus a total put value of  6,672,250,000 Combined total value = 25,932,400,000

Strike  510  has a total call value of 25,086,100,000  versus a total put value of  5,450,900,000 Combined total value = 30,537,000,000

Strike  515  has a total call value of 31,669,300,000  versus a total put value of  4,479,150,000 Combined total value = 36,148,450,000

Strike  520  has a total call value of 38,394,850,000  versus a total put value of  3,554,850,000 Combined total value = 41,949,700,000

Strike  525  has a total call value of 46,263,100,000  versus a total put value of  2,863,900,000 Combined total value = 49,127,000,000

Strike  530  has a total call value of 54,272,400,000  versus a total put value of  2,248,350,000 Combined total value = 56,520,750,000

Strike  535  has a total call value of 62,861,500,000  versus a total put value of  1,788,150,000 Combined total value = 64,649,650,000

Strike  540  has a total call value of 71,509,100,000  versus a total put value of  1,346,150,000 Combined total value = 72,855,250,000

Strike  545  has a total call value of 80,629,900,000  versus a total put value of  988,000,000 Combined total value = 81,617,900,000

Strike  550  has a total call value of 89,790,350,000  versus a total put value of  629,850,000 Combined total value = 90,420,200,000

Strike  555  has a total call value of 100,437,350,000  versus a total put value of  542,750,000 Combined total value = 100,980,100,000

Strike  560  has a total call value of 111,135,700,000  versus a total put value of  455,650,000 Combined total value = 111,591,350,000

Strike  565  has a total call value of 122,216,250,000  versus a total put value of  368,550,000 Combined total value = 122,584,800,000

Strike  570  has a total call value of 133,341,650,000  versus a total put value of  293,150,000 Combined total value = 133,634,800,000

Strike  575  has a total call value of 144,738,100,000  versus a total put value of  227,500,000 Combined total value = 144,965,600,000

Strike  580  has a total call value of 156,169,000,000  versus a total put value of  161,850,000 Combined total value = 156,330,850,000

Strike  585  has a total call value of 167,837,800,000  versus a total put value of  102,700,000 Combined total value = 167,940,500,000

Strike  590  has a total call value of 179,522,850,000  versus a total put value of  53,300,000 Combined total value = 179,576,150,000

Strike  595  has a total call value of 191,551,750,000  versus a total put value of  26,650,000 Combined total value = 191,578,400,000

Strike  600  has a total call value of 203,580,650,000  versus a total put value of  0 Combined total value = 203,580,650,000

Strike  605  has a total call value of 216,850,400,000  versus a total put value of  0 Combined total value = 216,850,400,000

Strike  610  has a total call value of 230,120,150,000  versus a total put value of  0 Combined total value = 230,120,150,000

All Max-Pain Table

Max Pain - Choose a symbol

What is Max Pain?
Max pain, or the max pain price, is the strike price with the most open contract puts and calls - and the price at which the stock would cause financial losses for the largest number of option holders at expiration.
Calculating Max Pain
Max pain is a simple but time consuming calculation. Essentially, it is the sum of the outstanding put and call dollar value of each in-the-money strike price. For each in-the-money strike price for both puts and calls:
  1. Find the difference between stock price and strike price
  2. Multiply the result by open interest at that strike
  3. Add together the dollar value for the put and call at that strike
  4. Repeat for each strike price
  5. Find the highest value strike price. This price is equivalent to max pain price.

How can a trader benefit?
As the option expiration approaches, option writers will try to buy or sell shares of stock to drive the price toward a closing price that is profitable for them, or at least to hedge their payouts to option holders. Call writers sell shares to drive share price down and Put holders buy shares to drive share price up. The max pain strike price exists somewhere in the middle.