Nifty Financial Services
Max pain for FINNIFTY
03 Jan 2025 04:13 PM IST
Max Pain for FINNIFTY is 23900
Strike 20000 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 366,637,875,000 Combined total value = 366,637,875,000
Strike 20050 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 360,435,000,000 Combined total value = 360,435,000,000
Strike 20100 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 354,232,125,000 Combined total value = 354,232,125,000
Strike 20150 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 348,029,250,000 Combined total value = 348,029,250,000
Strike 20200 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 341,826,375,000 Combined total value = 341,826,375,000
Strike 20250 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 335,623,500,000 Combined total value = 335,623,500,000
Strike 20300 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 329,420,625,000 Combined total value = 329,420,625,000
Strike 20350 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 323,217,750,000 Combined total value = 323,217,750,000
Strike 20400 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 317,014,875,000 Combined total value = 317,014,875,000
Strike 20450 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 310,812,000,000 Combined total value = 310,812,000,000
Strike 20500 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 304,609,125,000 Combined total value = 304,609,125,000
Strike 20550 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 298,419,125,000 Combined total value = 298,419,125,000
Strike 20600 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 292,229,125,000 Combined total value = 292,229,125,000
Strike 20650 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 286,039,125,000 Combined total value = 286,039,125,000
Strike 20700 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 279,849,125,000 Combined total value = 279,849,125,000
Strike 20750 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 273,659,125,000 Combined total value = 273,659,125,000
Strike 20800 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 267,469,125,000 Combined total value = 267,469,125,000
Strike 20850 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 261,279,125,000 Combined total value = 261,279,125,000
Strike 20900 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 255,089,125,000 Combined total value = 255,089,125,000
Strike 20950 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 248,899,125,000 Combined total value = 248,899,125,000
Strike 21000 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 242,709,125,000 Combined total value = 242,709,125,000
Strike 21050 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 236,786,000,000 Combined total value = 236,786,000,000
Strike 21100 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 230,862,875,000 Combined total value = 230,862,875,000
Strike 21150 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 225,014,250,000 Combined total value = 225,014,250,000
Strike 21200 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 219,165,625,000 Combined total value = 219,165,625,000
Strike 21250 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 213,348,625,000 Combined total value = 213,348,625,000
Strike 21300 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 207,531,625,000 Combined total value = 207,531,625,000
Strike 21350 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 201,758,500,000 Combined total value = 201,758,500,000
Strike 21400 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 195,985,375,000 Combined total value = 195,985,375,000
Strike 21450 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 190,271,500,000 Combined total value = 190,271,500,000
Strike 21500 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 184,557,625,000 Combined total value = 184,557,625,000
Strike 21550 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 179,222,875,000 Combined total value = 179,222,875,000
Strike 21600 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 173,888,125,000 Combined total value = 173,888,125,000
Strike 21650 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 168,615,125,000 Combined total value = 168,615,125,000
Strike 21700 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 163,342,125,000 Combined total value = 163,342,125,000
Strike 21750 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 158,259,625,000 Combined total value = 158,259,625,000
Strike 21800 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 153,177,125,000 Combined total value = 153,177,125,000
Strike 21850 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 148,283,125,000 Combined total value = 148,283,125,000
Strike 21900 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 143,389,125,000 Combined total value = 143,389,125,000
Strike 21950 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 138,495,125,000 Combined total value = 138,495,125,000
Strike 22000 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 133,601,125,000 Combined total value = 133,601,125,000
Strike 22050 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 129,119,125,000 Combined total value = 129,119,125,000
Strike 22100 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 124,637,125,000 Combined total value = 124,637,125,000
Strike 22150 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 120,172,125,000 Combined total value = 120,172,125,000
Strike 22200 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 115,707,125,000 Combined total value = 115,707,125,000
Strike 22250 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 111,359,375,000 Combined total value = 111,359,375,000
Strike 22300 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 107,019,500,000 Combined total value = 107,019,500,000
Strike 22350 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 102,793,625,000 Combined total value = 102,793,625,000
Strike 22400 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 98,576,750,000 Combined total value = 98,576,750,000
Strike 22450 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 94,449,500,000 Combined total value = 94,449,500,000
Strike 22500 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 90,405,875,000 Combined total value = 90,405,875,000
Strike 22550 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 86,567,750,000 Combined total value = 86,567,750,000
Strike 22600 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 82,763,125,000 Combined total value = 82,763,125,000
Strike 22650 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 79,020,375,000 Combined total value = 79,020,375,000
Strike 22700 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 75,286,500,000 Combined total value = 75,286,500,000
Strike 22750 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 71,607,250,000 Combined total value = 71,607,250,000
Strike 22800 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 67,958,250,000 Combined total value = 67,958,250,000
Strike 22850 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 64,384,375,000 Combined total value = 64,384,375,000
Strike 22900 has a total call value of 0 versus a total put value of 60,828,625,000 Combined total value = 60,828,625,000
Strike 22950 has a total call value of 7,000,000 versus a total put value of 57,333,125,000 Combined total value = 57,340,125,000
Strike 23000 has a total call value of 14,000,000 versus a total put value of 53,854,375,000 Combined total value = 53,868,375,000
Strike 23050 has a total call value of 32,875,000 versus a total put value of 50,569,250,000 Combined total value = 50,602,125,000
Strike 23100 has a total call value of 51,750,000 versus a total put value of 47,294,250,000 Combined total value = 47,346,000,000
Strike 23150 has a total call value of 70,625,000 versus a total put value of 44,055,000,000 Combined total value = 44,125,625,000
Strike 23200 has a total call value of 95,250,000 versus a total put value of 40,840,375,000 Combined total value = 40,935,625,000
Strike 23250 has a total call value of 132,125,000 versus a total put value of 37,675,625,000 Combined total value = 37,807,750,000
Strike 23300 has a total call value of 175,750,000 versus a total put value of 34,553,750,000 Combined total value = 34,729,500,000
Strike 23350 has a total call value of 233,375,000 versus a total put value of 31,506,250,000 Combined total value = 31,739,625,000
Strike 23400 has a total call value of 305,375,000 versus a total put value of 28,499,500,000 Combined total value = 28,804,875,000
Strike 23450 has a total call value of 412,250,000 versus a total put value of 25,607,250,000 Combined total value = 26,019,500,000
Strike 23500 has a total call value of 533,750,000 versus a total put value of 22,771,625,000 Combined total value = 23,305,375,000
Strike 23550 has a total call value of 808,250,000 versus a total put value of 20,202,375,000 Combined total value = 21,010,625,000
Strike 23600 has a total call value of 1,112,375,000 versus a total put value of 17,682,500,000 Combined total value = 18,794,875,000
Strike 23650 has a total call value of 1,497,625,000 versus a total put value of 15,329,125,000 Combined total value = 16,826,750,000
Strike 23700 has a total call value of 1,929,750,000 versus a total put value of 13,060,875,000 Combined total value = 14,990,625,000
Strike 23750 has a total call value of 2,481,125,000 versus a total put value of 11,003,875,000 Combined total value = 13,485,000,000
Strike 23800 has a total call value of 3,127,000,000 versus a total put value of 9,062,750,000 Combined total value = 12,189,750,000
Strike 23850 has a total call value of 4,052,250,000 versus a total put value of 7,547,500,000 Combined total value = 11,599,750,000
Strike 23900 has a total call value of 5,163,625,000 versus a total put value of 6,169,500,000 Combined total value = 11,333,125,000
Strike 23950 has a total call value of 6,559,375,000 versus a total put value of 5,000,875,000 Combined total value = 11,560,250,000
Strike 24000 has a total call value of 8,058,000,000 versus a total put value of 3,878,875,000 Combined total value = 11,936,875,000
Strike 24050 has a total call value of 10,110,875,000 versus a total put value of 3,266,000,000 Combined total value = 13,376,875,000
Strike 24100 has a total call value of 12,272,750,000 versus a total put value of 2,695,250,000 Combined total value = 14,968,000,000
Strike 24150 has a total call value of 14,548,500,000 versus a total put value of 2,192,250,000 Combined total value = 16,740,750,000
Strike 24200 has a total call value of 16,872,125,000 versus a total put value of 1,734,250,000 Combined total value = 18,606,375,000
Strike 24250 has a total call value of 19,338,250,000 versus a total put value of 1,403,625,000 Combined total value = 20,741,875,000
Strike 24300 has a total call value of 21,901,875,000 versus a total put value of 1,108,625,000 Combined total value = 23,010,500,000
Strike 24350 has a total call value of 24,592,125,000 versus a total put value of 861,500,000 Combined total value = 25,453,625,000
Strike 24400 has a total call value of 27,355,000,000 versus a total put value of 658,000,000 Combined total value = 28,013,000,000
Strike 24450 has a total call value of 30,247,500,000 versus a total put value of 500,375,000 Combined total value = 30,747,875,000
Strike 24500 has a total call value of 33,215,375,000 versus a total put value of 369,375,000 Combined total value = 33,584,750,000
Strike 24550 has a total call value of 36,539,125,000 versus a total put value of 282,375,000 Combined total value = 36,821,500,000
Strike 24600 has a total call value of 39,910,375,000 versus a total put value of 212,750,000 Combined total value = 40,123,125,000
Strike 24650 has a total call value of 43,397,750,000 versus a total put value of 157,750,000 Combined total value = 43,555,500,000
Strike 24700 has a total call value of 46,922,875,000 versus a total put value of 111,625,000 Combined total value = 47,034,500,000
Strike 24750 has a total call value of 50,547,250,000 versus a total put value of 75,000,000 Combined total value = 50,622,250,000
Strike 24800 has a total call value of 54,234,000,000 versus a total put value of 44,375,000 Combined total value = 54,278,375,000
Strike 24850 has a total call value of 58,104,125,000 versus a total put value of 16,625,000 Combined total value = 58,120,750,000
Strike 24900 has a total call value of 62,069,000,000 versus a total put value of 10,750,000 Combined total value = 62,079,750,000
Strike 24950 has a total call value of 66,257,000,000 versus a total put value of 5,375,000 Combined total value = 66,262,375,000
Strike 25000 has a total call value of 70,644,500,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 70,644,500,000
Strike 25050 has a total call value of 75,590,375,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 75,590,375,000
Strike 25100 has a total call value of 80,536,250,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 80,536,250,000
Strike 25150 has a total call value of 85,592,000,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 85,592,000,000
Strike 25200 has a total call value of 90,654,375,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 90,654,375,000
Strike 25250 has a total call value of 95,832,000,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 95,832,000,000
Strike 25300 has a total call value of 101,022,625,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 101,022,625,000
Strike 25350 has a total call value of 106,358,750,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 106,358,750,000
Strike 25400 has a total call value of 111,694,875,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 111,694,875,000
Strike 25450 has a total call value of 117,069,375,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 117,069,375,000
Strike 25500 has a total call value of 122,443,875,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 122,443,875,000
Strike 25550 has a total call value of 128,406,000,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 128,406,000,000
Strike 25600 has a total call value of 134,368,125,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 134,368,125,000
Strike 25650 has a total call value of 140,408,500,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 140,408,500,000
Strike 25700 has a total call value of 146,448,875,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 146,448,875,000
Strike 25750 has a total call value of 152,578,125,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 152,578,125,000
Strike 25800 has a total call value of 158,707,375,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 158,707,375,000
Strike 25850 has a total call value of 164,998,125,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 164,998,125,000
Strike 25900 has a total call value of 171,288,875,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 171,288,875,000
Strike 25950 has a total call value of 177,648,500,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 177,648,500,000
Strike 26000 has a total call value of 184,008,125,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 184,008,125,000
Strike 26050 has a total call value of 190,574,375,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 190,574,375,000
Strike 26100 has a total call value of 197,140,625,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 197,140,625,000
Strike 26150 has a total call value of 203,758,125,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 203,758,125,000
Strike 26200 has a total call value of 210,375,625,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 210,375,625,000
Strike 26250 has a total call value of 217,040,000,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 217,040,000,000
Strike 26300 has a total call value of 223,704,375,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 223,704,375,000
Strike 26350 has a total call value of 230,389,625,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 230,389,625,000
Strike 26400 has a total call value of 237,074,875,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 237,074,875,000
Strike 26450 has a total call value of 243,790,000,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 243,790,000,000
Strike 26500 has a total call value of 250,505,125,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 250,505,125,000
Strike 26550 has a total call value of 257,462,750,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 257,462,750,000
Strike 26600 has a total call value of 264,420,375,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 264,420,375,000
Strike 26650 has a total call value of 271,410,000,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 271,410,000,000
Strike 26700 has a total call value of 278,399,625,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 278,399,625,000
Strike 26750 has a total call value of 285,417,875,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 285,417,875,000
Strike 26800 has a total call value of 292,436,125,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 292,436,125,000
Strike 26850 has a total call value of 299,475,250,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 299,475,250,000
Strike 26900 has a total call value of 306,514,375,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 306,514,375,000
Strike 26950 has a total call value of 313,573,125,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 313,573,125,000
Strike 27000 has a total call value of 320,631,875,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 320,631,875,000
Strike 27050 has a total call value of 328,082,625,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 328,082,625,000
Strike 27100 has a total call value of 335,533,375,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 335,533,375,000
Strike 27150 has a total call value of 342,984,125,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 342,984,125,000
Strike 27200 has a total call value of 350,434,875,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 350,434,875,000
Strike 27250 has a total call value of 357,885,625,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 357,885,625,000
Strike 27300 has a total call value of 365,336,375,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 365,336,375,000
Strike 27350 has a total call value of 372,787,125,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 372,787,125,000
Strike 27400 has a total call value of 380,237,875,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 380,237,875,000
Strike 27450 has a total call value of 387,688,625,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 387,688,625,000
Strike 27500 has a total call value of 395,139,375,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 395,139,375,000
Strike 27550 has a total call value of 402,708,500,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 402,708,500,000
Strike 27600 has a total call value of 410,277,625,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 410,277,625,000
Strike 27650 has a total call value of 417,846,750,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 417,846,750,000
Strike 27700 has a total call value of 425,415,875,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 425,415,875,000
Strike 27750 has a total call value of 432,985,000,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 432,985,000,000
Strike 27800 has a total call value of 440,554,125,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 440,554,125,000
Strike 27900 has a total call value of 455,692,375,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 455,692,375,000
Strike 28000 has a total call value of 470,830,625,000 versus a total put value of 0 Combined total value = 470,830,625,000
Max-Pain Table for stock monthly expiry
Max Pain | ||
Symbol | Symbol Ltp | Max Pain |
AARTIIND | 420.1 | 420 |
ABB | 6800.15 | 7000 |
ABBOTINDIA | 29490.2 | 29500 |
ABCAPITAL | 184.45 | 187.5 |
ABFRL | 280.75 | 290 |
ACC | 2054.95 | 2180 |
ADANIENSOL | 821.25 | 800 |
ADANIENT | 2564.6 | 2600 |
ADANIGREEN | 1038.25 | 1060 |
ADANIPORTS | 1199.55 | 1240 |
ALKEM | 5502.65 | 5550 |
AMBUJACEM | 548.7 | 560 |
ANGELONE | 2856.2 | 2900 |
APLAPOLLO | 1616.75 | 1580 |
APOLLOHOSP | 7298.35 | 7350 |
APOLLOTYRE | 511.95 | 530 |
ASHOKLEY | 234.13 | 230 |
ASIANPAINT | 2335.95 | 2360 |
ASTRAL | 1621.6 | 1660 |
ATGL | 727.65 | 720 |
ATUL | 6878.2 | 7000 |
AUBANK | 573.55 | 565 |
AUROPHARMA | 1319.45 | 1320 |
AXISBANK | 1084.9 | 1100 |
BAJAJ-AUTO | 8965.7 | 9000 |
BAJAJFINSV | 1701.1 | 1640 |
BAJFINANCE | 7407.25 | 7200 |
BALKRISIND | 2818.7 | 2880 |
BANDHANBNK | 157.68 | 162.5 |
BANKBARODA | 241.64 | 250 |
BANKINDIA | 104.72 | 105 |
BATAINDIA | 1460.8 | 1400 |
BEL | 291.95 | 300 |
BERGEPAINT | 457.85 | 455 |
BHARATFORG | 1296.15 | 1320 |
BHARTIARTL | 1598.85 | 1600 |
BHEL | 230.06 | 240 |
BIOCON | 369.25 | 360 |
BOSCHLTD | 34253.55 | 34000 |
BPCL | 296.4 | 300 |
BRITANNIA | 4834.1 | 4800 |
BSE | 5339.75 | 5400 |
BSOFT | 552.15 | 570 |
CAMS | 5096.05 | 5000 |
CANBK | 101.45 | 102 |
CANFINHOME | 721.15 | 740 |
CDSL | 1805.35 | 1800 |
CESC | 185.9 | 190 |
CGPOWER | 736.75 | 740 |
CHAMBLFERT | 500.3 | 500 |
CHOLAFIN | 1320.25 | 1280 |
CIPLA | 1511.25 | 1520 |
COALINDIA | 393.65 | 400 |
COFORGE | 9669.65 | 9500 |
COLPAL | 2821.25 | 2750 |
CONCOR | 785.8 | 800 |
COROMANDEL | 1958.3 | 1900 |
CROMPTON | 366.75 | 380 |
CUB | 175.44 | 175 |
CUMMINSIND | 3216.9 | 3300 |
CYIENT | 1776.85 | 1860 |
DABUR | 524.9 | 515 |
DALBHARAT | 1807.85 | 1800 |
DEEPAKNTR | 2452.7 | 2550 |
DELHIVERY | 341.8 | 350 |
DIVISLAB | 6048.3 | 6000 |
DIXON | 18397.65 | 18000 |
DLF | 828.05 | 840 |
DMART | 4025.2 | 3950 |
DRREDDY | 1352.65 | 1360 |
EICHERMOT | 5310.75 | 5200 |
ESCORTS | 3371.9 | 3300 |
EXIDEIND | 424.75 | 430 |
FEDERALBNK | 205.25 | 205 |
GAIL | 191.09 | 197.5 |
GLENMARK | 1636.1 | 1600 |
GMRAIRPORT | 78.68 | 80 |
GMRINFRA | 0 | 32 |
GNFC | 567 | 580 |
GODREJCP | 1116.65 | 1100 |
GODREJPROP | 2734.1 | 2800 |
GRANULES | 605.2 | 600 |
GRASIM | 2510 | 2520 |
GUJGASLTD | 514.15 | 510 |
HAL | 4206 | 4300 |
HAVELLS | 1700 | 1700 |
HCLTECH | 1946.65 | 1920 |
HDFCAMC | 4224.65 | 4250 |
HDFCBANK | 1749.2 | 1790 |
HDFCLIFE | 623 | 630 |
HEROMOTOCO | 4243.1 | 4300 |
HFCL | 114.4 | 115 |
HINDALCO | 591.15 | 610 |
HINDCOPPER | 250.23 | 260 |
HINDPETRO | 413.05 | 415 |
HINDUNILVR | 2406.25 | 2380 |
HUDCO | 245.91 | 240 |
ICICIBANK | 1265.05 | 1290 |
ICICIGI | 1838.2 | 1840 |
ICICIPRULI | 673.6 | 670 |
IDEA | 8.27 | 8 |
IDFCFIRSTB | 65.08 | 65 |
IEX | 177.02 | 182.5 |
IGL | 441.35 | 410 |
INDHOTEL | 872.45 | 870 |
INDIAMART | 2250.4 | 2300 |
INDIANB | 524.35 | 540 |
INDIGO | 4466.2 | 4600 |
INDUSINDBK | 997.9 | 1000 |
INDUSTOWER | 344 | 350 |
INFY | 1938.75 | 1940 |
IOC | 138.14 | 140 |
IPCALAB | 1735 | 1660 |
IRB | 60.31 | 59 |
IRCTC | 796.3 | 800 |
IRFC | 153.7 | 150 |
ITC | 481.6 | 480 |
JINDALSTEL | 957.85 | 950 |
JIOFIN | 307.45 | 310 |
JKCEMENT | 4726.55 | 4650 |
JSL | 677.6 | 700 |
JSWENERGY | 634.4 | 650 |
JSWSTEEL | 915.05 | 930 |
JUBLFOOD | 759.1 | 730 |
KALYANKJIL | 777.8 | 760 |
KEI | 4363.85 | 4300 |
KOTAKBANK | 1838.65 | 1820 |
KPITTECH | 1449.95 | 1460 |
LALPATHLAB | 2944.65 | 3000 |
LAURUSLABS | 611.75 | 590 |
LICHSGFIN | 609.45 | 610 |
LICI | 908.4 | 900 |
LODHA | 1399.55 | 1400 |
LT | 3659.9 | 3700 |
LTF | 143.44 | 140 |
LTIM | 5733.4 | 5750 |
LTTS | 4795.5 | 4750 |
LUPIN | 2368.85 | 2320 |
M&M | 3190.55 | 3100 |
M&MFIN | 276.45 | 275 |
MANAPPURAM | 187.72 | 190 |
MARICO | 660.95 | 650 |
MARUTI | 11934.25 | 11600 |
MAXHEALTH | 1178.35 | 1140 |
MCX | 6160.85 | 6400 |
METROPOLIS | 1997.8 | 2020 |
MFSL | 1109.8 | 1100 |
MGL | 1312.85 | 1300 |
MOTHERSON | 160.08 | 160 |
MPHASIS | 2869.25 | 2900 |
MRF | 126362.5 | 128000 |
MUTHOOTFIN | 2237.25 | 2200 |
NATIONALUM | 208 | 217.5 |
NAUKRI | 9025.5 | 8800 |
NAVINFLUOR | 3359.65 | 3400 |
NCC | 276.95 | 280 |
NESTLEIND | 2232.7 | 2200 |
NHPC | 83.09 | 83 |
NMDC | 67.66 | 71 |
NTPC | 339.85 | 340 |
NYKAA | 167.84 | 165 |
OBEROIRLTY | 2255.2 | 2300 |
OFSS | 12518.05 | 12500 |
OIL | 481.1 | 470 |
ONGC | 258.89 | 250 |
PAGEIND | 47941.2 | 47500 |
PAYTM | 982.8 | 1000 |
PEL | 1095.85 | 1120 |
PERSISTENT | 6405.95 | 6400 |
PETRONET | 329.45 | 335 |
PFC | 464.8 | 470 |
PIDILITIND | 2932.35 | 2940 |
PIIND | 3668.4 | 3700 |
PNB | 106.4 | 105 |
POLICYBZR | 2215.85 | 2100 |
POLYCAB | 7208 | 7200 |
POONAWALLA | 319.6 | 320 |
POWERGRID | 316.05 | 315 |
PRESTIGE | 1656.25 | 1700 |
PVRINOX | 1302.15 | 1320 |
RAMCOCEM | 985.7 | 970 |
RBLBANK | 162.79 | 160 |
RECLTD | 538.05 | 530 |
RELIANCE | 1251.15 | 1260 |
SAIL | 114.17 | 117.5 |
SBICARD | 723.55 | 705 |
SBILIFE | 1447.7 | 1420 |
SBIN | 793.4 | 810 |
SHREECEM | 26096.25 | 26000 |
SHRIRAMFIN | 3048.35 | 3000 |
SIEMENS | 6609.7 | 6700 |
SJVN | 109.09 | 110 |
SONACOMS | 591.1 | 600 |
SRF | 2284.9 | 2280 |
SUNPHARMA | 1849.65 | 1860 |
SUNTV | 687.4 | 700 |
SUPREMEIND | 4615.15 | 4700 |
SYNGENE | 856.85 | 860 |
TATACHEM | 1027.9 | 1060 |
TATACOMM | 1736.55 | 1760 |
TATACONSUM | 939.45 | 930 |
TATAELXSI | 6647.55 | 6700 |
TATAMOTORS | 790.4 | 780 |
TATAPOWER | 396.65 | 405 |
TATASTEEL | 138.36 | 140 |
TCS | 4099.9 | 4200 |
TECHM | 1689.45 | 1700 |
TIINDIA | 3609.65 | 3550 |
TITAN | 3451.65 | 3400 |
TORNTPHARM | 3402.85 | 3400 |
TRENT | 7307.7 | 7200 |
TVSMOTOR | 2482.95 | 2460 |
UBL | 2128.1 | 2080 |
ULTRACEMCO | 11786 | 11500 |
UNIONBANK | 124.06 | 122 |
UNITDSPR | 1682.45 | 1620 |
UPL | 529.55 | 520 |
VBL | 652.2 | 640 |
VEDL | 458.25 | 470 |
VOLTAS | 1824.7 | 1800 |
WIPRO | 294.45 | 300 |
YESBANK | 19.96 | 20 |
ZOMATO | 272.85 | 260 |
ZYDUSLIFE | 975.8 | 980 |
Stock LTP > Max Pain | Bearish Trend |
Stock LTP < Max Pain | Bullish Trend |
What is Max Pain?
Max pain, or the max pain price, is the strike price with the most open contract puts and calls - and the price at which the stock would cause financial losses for the largest number of option holders at expiration.
Calculating Max Pain
Max pain is a simple but time consuming calculation. Essentially, it is the sum of the outstanding put and call dollar value of each in-the-money strike price. For each in-the-money strike price for both puts and calls:
- Find the difference between stock price and strike price
- Multiply the result by open interest at that strike
- Add together the dollar value for the put and call at that strike
- Repeat for each strike price
- Find the highest value strike price. This price is equivalent to max pain price.
How can a trader benefit?
As the option expiration approaches, option writers will try to buy or sell shares of stock to drive the price toward a closing price that is profitable for them, or at least to hedge their payouts to option holders. Call writers sell shares to drive share price down and Put holders buy shares to drive share price up. The max pain strike price exists somewhere in the middle.