Bosch Limited

34363.9 -356.40 (-1.03%)

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Historical option data for BOSCHLTD

18 Sep 2024 04:12 PM IST
Date Close Ltp Change Volume Change OI OI
18 Sept 34363.90 1478.75 -281.85 19,950 -50 3,975
17 Sept 34720.30 1760.6 355.60 54,650 -150 4,025
16 Sept 34037.00 1405 -91.15 150 -100 4,175
13 Sept 34343.15 1496.15 134.55 2,250 -375 4,275
12 Sept 34113.90 1361.6 553.60 6,600 -1,325 4,650
11 Sept 33209.60 808 -231.95 9,475 -700 5,975
10 Sept 33534.00 1039.95 199.95 19,325 -3,300 6,775
9 Sept 33105.70 840 250.00 59,300 -5,575 10,100
6 Sept 32357.30 590 -660.00 51,900 11,250 15,650
5 Sept 33720.75 1250 615.00 44,700 -5,400 4,375
4 Sept 32451.85 635 60.45 14,750 -200 9,775
3 Sept 32399.25 574.55 87.55 25,825 -525 9,900
2 Sept 32327.60 487 -83.00 16,500 1,550 10,350
30 Aug 32389.60 570 70.00 24,375 1,250 8,775
29 Aug 31731.85 500 -16.00 7,050 2,350 7,500
28 Aug 31940.15 516 -137.55 4,925 1,500 5,175
27 Aug 32299.95 653.55 -151.45 4,950 1,275 3,375
26 Aug 32814.40 805 137.00 2,250 900 2,100
23 Aug 32600.15 668 -23.95 825 425 1,175
22 Aug 32503.15 691.95 111.25 550 225 750
21 Aug 32213.70 580.7 17.45 400 100 500
20 Aug 32054.50 563.25 78.25 250 125 425
19 Aug 31605.75 485 -15.00 275 200 275
16 Aug 31940.60 500 -2793.90 75 50 50
14 Aug 30993.15 3293.9 0.00 0 0 0
12 Aug 31598.00 3293.9 0.00 0 0 0
9 Aug 32018.70 3293.9 0.00 0 0 0
8 Aug 31835.65 3293.9 0.00 0 0 0
7 Aug 32430.85 3293.9 0.00 0 0 0
5 Aug 32355.20 3293.9 0.00 0 0 0
2 Aug 33909.75 3293.9 0.00 0 0 0
1 Aug 34370.70 3293.9 0.00 0 0 0
31 Jul 34978.45 3293.9 0.00 0 0 0
29 Jul 34936.05 3293.9 0.00 0 0 0
26 Jul 34917.05 3293.9 3293.90 0 0 0
25 Jul 34751.05 0 0.00 0 0 0
23 Jul 34065.10 0 0.00 0 0 0
22 Jul 34135.60 0 0.00 0 0 0
18 Jul 35149.85 0 0.00 0 0 0
16 Jul 35108.85 0 0.00 0 0 0
15 Jul 35085.20 0 0.00 0 0 0
12 Jul 35139.05 0 0.00 0 0 0
11 Jul 35611.25 0 0.00 0 0 0
10 Jul 35389.95 0 0.00 0 0 0
9 Jul 35612.45 0 0.00 0 0 0
8 Jul 34412.30 0 0.00 0 0 0
5 Jul 35074.00 0 0.00 0 0 0
4 Jul 35276.40 0 0.00 0 0 0
3 Jul 34546.45 0 0.00 0 0 0
2 Jul 34644.80 0 0 0 0

For Bosch Limited - strike price 33000 expiring on 26SEP2024

Delta for 33000 CE is -

Historical price for 33000 CE is as follows

On 18 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 34363.90. The strike last trading price was 1478.75, which was -281.85 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -50 which decreased total open position to 3975

On 17 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 34720.30. The strike last trading price was 1760.6, which was 355.60 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -150 which decreased total open position to 4025

On 16 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 34037.00. The strike last trading price was 1405, which was -91.15 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -100 which decreased total open position to 4175

On 13 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 34343.15. The strike last trading price was 1496.15, which was 134.55 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -375 which decreased total open position to 4275

On 12 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 34113.90. The strike last trading price was 1361.6, which was 553.60 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -1325 which decreased total open position to 4650

On 11 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 33209.60. The strike last trading price was 808, which was -231.95 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -700 which decreased total open position to 5975

On 10 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 33534.00. The strike last trading price was 1039.95, which was 199.95 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -3300 which decreased total open position to 6775

On 9 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 33105.70. The strike last trading price was 840, which was 250.00 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -5575 which decreased total open position to 10100

On 6 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 32357.30. The strike last trading price was 590, which was -660.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 11250 which increased total open position to 15650

On 5 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 33720.75. The strike last trading price was 1250, which was 615.00 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -5400 which decreased total open position to 4375

On 4 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 32451.85. The strike last trading price was 635, which was 60.45 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -200 which decreased total open position to 9775

On 3 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 32399.25. The strike last trading price was 574.55, which was 87.55 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -525 which decreased total open position to 9900

On 2 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 32327.60. The strike last trading price was 487, which was -83.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 1550 which increased total open position to 10350

On 30 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32389.60. The strike last trading price was 570, which was 70.00 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 1250 which increased total open position to 8775

On 29 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 31731.85. The strike last trading price was 500, which was -16.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 2350 which increased total open position to 7500

On 28 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 31940.15. The strike last trading price was 516, which was -137.55 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 1500 which increased total open position to 5175

On 27 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32299.95. The strike last trading price was 653.55, which was -151.45 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 1275 which increased total open position to 3375

On 26 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32814.40. The strike last trading price was 805, which was 137.00 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 900 which increased total open position to 2100

On 23 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32600.15. The strike last trading price was 668, which was -23.95 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 425 which increased total open position to 1175

On 22 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32503.15. The strike last trading price was 691.95, which was 111.25 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 225 which increased total open position to 750

On 21 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32213.70. The strike last trading price was 580.7, which was 17.45 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 100 which increased total open position to 500

On 20 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32054.50. The strike last trading price was 563.25, which was 78.25 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 125 which increased total open position to 425

On 19 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 31605.75. The strike last trading price was 485, which was -15.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 200 which increased total open position to 275

On 16 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 31940.60. The strike last trading price was 500, which was -2793.90 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 50 which increased total open position to 50

On 14 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 30993.15. The strike last trading price was 3293.9, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 12 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 31598.00. The strike last trading price was 3293.9, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 9 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32018.70. The strike last trading price was 3293.9, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 8 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 31835.65. The strike last trading price was 3293.9, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 7 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32430.85. The strike last trading price was 3293.9, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 5 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32355.20. The strike last trading price was 3293.9, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 2 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 33909.75. The strike last trading price was 3293.9, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 1 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 34370.70. The strike last trading price was 3293.9, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 31 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34978.45. The strike last trading price was 3293.9, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 29 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34936.05. The strike last trading price was 3293.9, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 26 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34917.05. The strike last trading price was 3293.9, which was 3293.90 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 25 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34751.05. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 23 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34065.10. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 22 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34135.60. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 18 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35149.85. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 16 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35108.85. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 15 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35085.20. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 12 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35139.05. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 11 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35611.25. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 10 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35389.95. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 9 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35612.45. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 8 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34412.30. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 5 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35074.00. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 4 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35276.40. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 3 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34546.45. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 2 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34644.80. The strike last trading price was 0, which was lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

Date Close Ltp Change Volume Change OI OI
18 Sept 34363.90 151.05 31.05 18,150 450 15,175
17 Sept 34720.30 120 -98.00 19,175 1,325 14,825
16 Sept 34037.00 218 -14.50 13,575 -950 13,475
13 Sept 34343.15 232.5 -57.50 46,550 825 14,400
12 Sept 34113.90 290 -282.95 23,575 4,200 13,525
11 Sept 33209.60 572.95 157.95 13,950 -375 9,400
10 Sept 33534.00 415 -285.00 11,100 1,525 9,850
9 Sept 33105.70 700 -437.55 3,225 -300 8,300
6 Sept 32357.30 1137.55 602.55 29,175 -3,425 8,675
5 Sept 33720.75 535 -504.75 63,025 4,350 12,175
4 Sept 32451.85 1039.75 -82.95 12,350 725 7,850
3 Sept 32399.25 1122.7 -106.75 44,625 925 7,175
2 Sept 32327.60 1229.45 -74.35 1,26,000 950 6,100
30 Aug 32389.60 1303.8 -421.20 2,09,325 3,125 5,350
29 Aug 31731.85 1725 0.00 75 25 2,175
28 Aug 31940.15 1725 325.00 275 175 2,125
27 Aug 32299.95 1400 291.95 675 75 1,925
26 Aug 32814.40 1108.05 -261.95 450 225 1,825
23 Aug 32600.15 1370 -190.00 175 50 1,625
22 Aug 32503.15 1560 -190.00 250 150 1,475
21 Aug 32213.70 1750 0.00 25 0 1,300
20 Aug 32054.50 1750 -299.45 50 25 1,275
19 Aug 31605.75 2049.45 399.45 150 50 1,275
16 Aug 31940.60 1650 701.75 1,250 1,200 1,200
14 Aug 30993.15 948.25 0.00 0 0 0
12 Aug 31598.00 948.25 0.00 0 0 0
9 Aug 32018.70 948.25 0.00 0 0 0
8 Aug 31835.65 948.25 0.00 0 0 0
7 Aug 32430.85 948.25 0.00 0 0 0
5 Aug 32355.20 948.25 0.00 0 0 0
2 Aug 33909.75 948.25 0.00 0 0 0
1 Aug 34370.70 948.25 0.00 0 0 0
31 Jul 34978.45 948.25 0.00 0 0 0
29 Jul 34936.05 948.25 0.00 0 0 0
26 Jul 34917.05 948.25 0.00 0 0 0
25 Jul 34751.05 948.25 948.25 0 0 0
23 Jul 34065.10 0 0.00 0 0 0
22 Jul 34135.60 0 0.00 0 0 0
18 Jul 35149.85 0 0.00 0 0 0
16 Jul 35108.85 0 0.00 0 0 0
15 Jul 35085.20 0 0.00 0 0 0
12 Jul 35139.05 0 0.00 0 0 0
11 Jul 35611.25 0 0.00 0 0 0
10 Jul 35389.95 0 0.00 0 0 0
9 Jul 35612.45 0 0.00 0 0 0
8 Jul 34412.30 0 0.00 0 0 0
5 Jul 35074.00 0 0.00 0 0 0
4 Jul 35276.40 0 0.00 0 0 0
3 Jul 34546.45 0 0.00 0 0 0
2 Jul 34644.80 0 0 0 0

For Bosch Limited - strike price 33000 expiring on 26SEP2024

Delta for 33000 PE is -

Historical price for 33000 PE is as follows

On 18 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 34363.90. The strike last trading price was 151.05, which was 31.05 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 450 which increased total open position to 15175

On 17 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 34720.30. The strike last trading price was 120, which was -98.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 1325 which increased total open position to 14825

On 16 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 34037.00. The strike last trading price was 218, which was -14.50 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -950 which decreased total open position to 13475

On 13 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 34343.15. The strike last trading price was 232.5, which was -57.50 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 825 which increased total open position to 14400

On 12 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 34113.90. The strike last trading price was 290, which was -282.95 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 4200 which increased total open position to 13525

On 11 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 33209.60. The strike last trading price was 572.95, which was 157.95 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -375 which decreased total open position to 9400

On 10 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 33534.00. The strike last trading price was 415, which was -285.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 1525 which increased total open position to 9850

On 9 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 33105.70. The strike last trading price was 700, which was -437.55 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -300 which decreased total open position to 8300

On 6 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 32357.30. The strike last trading price was 1137.55, which was 602.55 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -3425 which decreased total open position to 8675

On 5 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 33720.75. The strike last trading price was 535, which was -504.75 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 4350 which increased total open position to 12175

On 4 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 32451.85. The strike last trading price was 1039.75, which was -82.95 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 725 which increased total open position to 7850

On 3 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 32399.25. The strike last trading price was 1122.7, which was -106.75 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 925 which increased total open position to 7175

On 2 Sept BOSCHLTD was trading at 32327.60. The strike last trading price was 1229.45, which was -74.35 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 950 which increased total open position to 6100

On 30 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32389.60. The strike last trading price was 1303.8, which was -421.20 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 3125 which increased total open position to 5350

On 29 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 31731.85. The strike last trading price was 1725, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 25 which increased total open position to 2175

On 28 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 31940.15. The strike last trading price was 1725, which was 325.00 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 175 which increased total open position to 2125

On 27 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32299.95. The strike last trading price was 1400, which was 291.95 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 75 which increased total open position to 1925

On 26 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32814.40. The strike last trading price was 1108.05, which was -261.95 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 225 which increased total open position to 1825

On 23 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32600.15. The strike last trading price was 1370, which was -190.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 50 which increased total open position to 1625

On 22 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32503.15. The strike last trading price was 1560, which was -190.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 150 which increased total open position to 1475

On 21 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32213.70. The strike last trading price was 1750, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 1300

On 20 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32054.50. The strike last trading price was 1750, which was -299.45 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 25 which increased total open position to 1275

On 19 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 31605.75. The strike last trading price was 2049.45, which was 399.45 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 50 which increased total open position to 1275

On 16 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 31940.60. The strike last trading price was 1650, which was 701.75 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 1200 which increased total open position to 1200

On 14 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 30993.15. The strike last trading price was 948.25, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 12 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 31598.00. The strike last trading price was 948.25, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 9 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32018.70. The strike last trading price was 948.25, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 8 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 31835.65. The strike last trading price was 948.25, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 7 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32430.85. The strike last trading price was 948.25, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 5 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 32355.20. The strike last trading price was 948.25, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 2 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 33909.75. The strike last trading price was 948.25, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 1 Aug BOSCHLTD was trading at 34370.70. The strike last trading price was 948.25, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 31 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34978.45. The strike last trading price was 948.25, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 29 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34936.05. The strike last trading price was 948.25, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 26 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34917.05. The strike last trading price was 948.25, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 25 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34751.05. The strike last trading price was 948.25, which was 948.25 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 23 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34065.10. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 22 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34135.60. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 18 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35149.85. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 16 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35108.85. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 15 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35085.20. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 12 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35139.05. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 11 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35611.25. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 10 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35389.95. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 9 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35612.45. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 8 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34412.30. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 5 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35074.00. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 4 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 35276.40. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 3 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34546.45. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 2 Jul BOSCHLTD was trading at 34644.80. The strike last trading price was 0, which was lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0