Tata Steel Limited

140.68 -2.58 (-1.80%)

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Historical option data for TATASTEEL

20 Dec 2024 04:12 PM IST
Delta: 0.06
Vega: 0.02
Theta: -0.06
Gamma: 0.02
Date Close Ltp Change IV Volume Change OI OI
20 Dec 140.68 0.15 -0.20 31.97 10,565 -306 6,764
19 Dec 143.26 0.35 -0.35 28.07 6,684 233 7,167
18 Dec 144.46 0.7 -0.30 28.32 11,326 254 6,967
17 Dec 145.68 1 -0.70 27.06 11,650 635 6,858
16 Dec 147.79 1.7 -0.30 25.40 10,776 558 6,224
13 Dec 148.95 2 -1.50 20.65 19,410 869 5,691
12 Dec 150.78 3.5 -0.10 25.51 12,111 202 4,820
11 Dec 150.60 3.6 0.00 24.10 5,775 -80 4,680
10 Dec 150.32 3.6 0.30 24.41 10,142 -687 4,804
9 Dec 149.88 3.3 0.45 24.07 17,842 -190 5,494
6 Dec 148.29 2.85 0.60 24.23 10,443 470 5,683
5 Dec 147.07 2.25 0.15 22.31 8,816 -532 5,214
4 Dec 145.85 2.1 -0.30 24.03 7,115 564 5,733
3 Dec 146.54 2.4 -0.15 23.59 6,872 865 5,173
2 Dec 146.41 2.55 0.40 24.69 8,119 800 4,285
29 Nov 144.54 2.15 0.00 25.04 5,408 664 3,474
28 Nov 143.39 2.15 -0.30 26.39 4,464 609 2,786
27 Nov 144.53 2.45 -0.15 25.53 1,841 309 2,178
26 Nov 144.47 2.6 0.00 26.50 1,666 211 1,869
25 Nov 143.67 2.6 0.20 27.23 2,651 443 1,677
22 Nov 142.78 2.4 0.25 27.31 2,162 74 1,308
21 Nov 140.22 2.15 0.20 30.23 1,548 316 1,231
20 Nov 139.46 1.95 0.00 28.68 941 201 914
19 Nov 139.46 1.95 -0.55 28.68 941 200 914
18 Nov 141.21 2.5 0.95 28.78 1,390 187 843
14 Nov 137.98 1.55 -0.75 26.37 510 127 655
13 Nov 139.17 2.3 -1.25 28.39 879 208 527
12 Nov 144.17 3.55 -0.75 26.86 245 28 318
11 Nov 145.01 4.3 -1.50 27.34 291 140 291
8 Nov 147.57 5.8 -2.40 28.86 118 65 151
7 Nov 150.95 8.2 -1.50 29.76 109 31 86
6 Nov 153.62 9.7 0.80 28.53 77 -3 53
5 Nov 152.29 8.9 2.50 28.65 73 17 57
4 Nov 146.95 6.4 -1.40 30.55 29 11 39
1 Nov 149.75 7.8 0.05 29.52 5 2 27
31 Oct 148.56 7.75 -0.25 - 10 4 25
30 Oct 148.97 8 -0.45 - 15 4 20
29 Oct 150.06 8.45 0.45 - 15 8 16
28 Oct 149.38 8 1.25 - 7 6 7
25 Oct 145.86 6.75 -15.90 - 2 1 1
24 Oct 148.98 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
23 Oct 148.78 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
22 Oct 150.39 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
18 Oct 155.39 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
17 Oct 152.40 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
16 Oct 155.24 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
15 Oct 155.63 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
14 Oct 158.32 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
11 Oct 160.66 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
10 Oct 159.72 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
9 Oct 159.06 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
8 Oct 159.52 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
7 Oct 164.36 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
4 Oct 166.75 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
3 Oct 166.98 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
1 Oct 167.03 22.65 0.00 - 0 0 0
30 Sept 168.55 22.65 - 0 0 0

For Tata Steel Limited - strike price 150 expiring on 26DEC2024

Delta for 150 CE is 0.06

Historical price for 150 CE is as follows

On 20 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 140.68. The strike last trading price was 0.15, which was -0.20 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 31.97, the open interest changed by -306 which decreased total open position to 6764

On 19 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 143.26. The strike last trading price was 0.35, which was -0.35 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.07, the open interest changed by 233 which increased total open position to 7167

On 18 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 144.46. The strike last trading price was 0.7, which was -0.30 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.32, the open interest changed by 254 which increased total open position to 6967

On 17 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 145.68. The strike last trading price was 1, which was -0.70 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 27.06, the open interest changed by 635 which increased total open position to 6858

On 16 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 147.79. The strike last trading price was 1.7, which was -0.30 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 25.40, the open interest changed by 558 which increased total open position to 6224

On 13 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 148.95. The strike last trading price was 2, which was -1.50 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 20.65, the open interest changed by 869 which increased total open position to 5691

On 12 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 150.78. The strike last trading price was 3.5, which was -0.10 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 25.51, the open interest changed by 202 which increased total open position to 4820

On 11 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 150.60. The strike last trading price was 3.6, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.10, the open interest changed by -80 which decreased total open position to 4680

On 10 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 150.32. The strike last trading price was 3.6, which was 0.30 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.41, the open interest changed by -687 which decreased total open position to 4804

On 9 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 149.88. The strike last trading price was 3.3, which was 0.45 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.07, the open interest changed by -190 which decreased total open position to 5494

On 6 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 148.29. The strike last trading price was 2.85, which was 0.60 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.23, the open interest changed by 470 which increased total open position to 5683

On 5 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 147.07. The strike last trading price was 2.25, which was 0.15 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 22.31, the open interest changed by -532 which decreased total open position to 5214

On 4 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 145.85. The strike last trading price was 2.1, which was -0.30 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.03, the open interest changed by 564 which increased total open position to 5733

On 3 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 146.54. The strike last trading price was 2.4, which was -0.15 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 23.59, the open interest changed by 865 which increased total open position to 5173

On 2 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 146.41. The strike last trading price was 2.55, which was 0.40 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.69, the open interest changed by 800 which increased total open position to 4285

On 29 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 144.54. The strike last trading price was 2.15, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 25.04, the open interest changed by 664 which increased total open position to 3474

On 28 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 143.39. The strike last trading price was 2.15, which was -0.30 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 26.39, the open interest changed by 609 which increased total open position to 2786

On 27 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 144.53. The strike last trading price was 2.45, which was -0.15 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 25.53, the open interest changed by 309 which increased total open position to 2178

On 26 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 144.47. The strike last trading price was 2.6, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 26.50, the open interest changed by 211 which increased total open position to 1869

On 25 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 143.67. The strike last trading price was 2.6, which was 0.20 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 27.23, the open interest changed by 443 which increased total open position to 1677

On 22 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 142.78. The strike last trading price was 2.4, which was 0.25 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 27.31, the open interest changed by 74 which increased total open position to 1308

On 21 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 140.22. The strike last trading price was 2.15, which was 0.20 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 30.23, the open interest changed by 316 which increased total open position to 1231

On 20 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 139.46. The strike last trading price was 1.95, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.68, the open interest changed by 201 which increased total open position to 914

On 19 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 139.46. The strike last trading price was 1.95, which was -0.55 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.68, the open interest changed by 200 which increased total open position to 914

On 18 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 141.21. The strike last trading price was 2.5, which was 0.95 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.78, the open interest changed by 187 which increased total open position to 843

On 14 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 137.98. The strike last trading price was 1.55, which was -0.75 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 26.37, the open interest changed by 127 which increased total open position to 655

On 13 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 139.17. The strike last trading price was 2.3, which was -1.25 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.39, the open interest changed by 208 which increased total open position to 527

On 12 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 144.17. The strike last trading price was 3.55, which was -0.75 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 26.86, the open interest changed by 28 which increased total open position to 318

On 11 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 145.01. The strike last trading price was 4.3, which was -1.50 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 27.34, the open interest changed by 140 which increased total open position to 291

On 8 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 147.57. The strike last trading price was 5.8, which was -2.40 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.86, the open interest changed by 65 which increased total open position to 151

On 7 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 150.95. The strike last trading price was 8.2, which was -1.50 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 29.76, the open interest changed by 31 which increased total open position to 86

On 6 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 153.62. The strike last trading price was 9.7, which was 0.80 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.53, the open interest changed by -3 which decreased total open position to 53

On 5 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 152.29. The strike last trading price was 8.9, which was 2.50 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.65, the open interest changed by 17 which increased total open position to 57

On 4 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 146.95. The strike last trading price was 6.4, which was -1.40 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 30.55, the open interest changed by 11 which increased total open position to 39

On 1 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 149.75. The strike last trading price was 7.8, which was 0.05 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 29.52, the open interest changed by 2 which increased total open position to 27

On 31 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 148.56. The strike last trading price was 7.75, which was -0.25 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 30 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 148.97. The strike last trading price was 8, which was -0.45 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 29 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 150.06. The strike last trading price was 8.45, which was 0.45 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 28 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 149.38. The strike last trading price was 8, which was 1.25 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 25 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 145.86. The strike last trading price was 6.75, which was -15.90 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 24 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 148.98. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 23 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 148.78. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 22 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 150.39. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 18 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 155.39. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 17 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 152.40. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 16 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 155.24. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 15 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 155.63. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 14 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 158.32. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 11 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 160.66. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 10 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 159.72. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 9 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 159.06. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 8 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 159.52. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 7 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 164.36. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 4 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 166.75. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 3 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 166.98. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 1 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 167.03. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 30 Sept TATASTEEL was trading at 168.55. The strike last trading price was 22.65, which was lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

Delta: -0.94
Vega: 0.02
Theta: -0.02
Gamma: 0.02
Date Close Ltp Change IV Volume Change OI OI
20 Dec 140.68 9.45 2.45 31.80 1,153 -300 1,522
19 Dec 143.26 7 1.00 29.86 951 -275 1,822
18 Dec 144.46 6 1.25 30.99 1,459 -211 2,097
17 Dec 145.68 4.75 1.45 23.93 3,040 -4 2,315
16 Dec 147.79 3.3 0.40 23.38 2,727 168 2,319
13 Dec 148.95 2.9 0.65 22.74 5,742 -28 2,149
12 Dec 150.78 2.25 -0.05 23.13 6,228 135 2,178
11 Dec 150.60 2.3 -0.20 23.81 5,044 -96 2,079
10 Dec 150.32 2.5 -0.55 23.89 6,106 32 2,225
9 Dec 149.88 3.05 -0.75 25.21 4,312 318 2,197
6 Dec 148.29 3.8 -0.90 23.28 1,789 138 1,879
5 Dec 147.07 4.7 -0.75 25.36 1,558 11 1,742
4 Dec 145.85 5.45 0.35 25.08 1,264 64 1,730
3 Dec 146.54 5.1 -0.25 25.29 1,084 203 1,667
2 Dec 146.41 5.35 -1.10 25.67 698 70 1,462
29 Nov 144.54 6.45 -1.00 24.03 803 140 1,386
28 Nov 143.39 7.45 0.70 26.92 1,260 522 1,246
27 Nov 144.53 6.75 -0.50 26.36 349 133 723
26 Nov 144.47 7.25 -0.45 28.41 230 68 590
25 Nov 143.67 7.7 -0.90 28.76 454 226 522
22 Nov 142.78 8.6 -2.00 28.20 203 103 399
21 Nov 140.22 10.6 -0.70 29.41 68 24 296
20 Nov 139.46 11.3 0.00 31.67 77 18 272
19 Nov 139.46 11.3 1.50 31.67 77 18 272
18 Nov 141.21 9.8 -2.55 29.12 129 44 254
14 Nov 137.98 12.35 1.50 30.46 31 3 211
13 Nov 139.17 10.85 2.65 27.81 109 15 207
12 Nov 144.17 8.2 0.45 28.67 49 7 190
11 Nov 145.01 7.75 1.15 30.25 99 16 184
8 Nov 147.57 6.6 1.45 29.14 111 38 166
7 Nov 150.95 5.15 0.85 30.23 150 16 128
6 Nov 153.62 4.3 -1.00 30.68 105 32 111
5 Nov 152.29 5.3 -2.75 32.73 89 30 78
4 Nov 146.95 8.05 1.05 34.49 20 8 47
1 Nov 149.75 7 0.00 0.00 0 2 0
31 Oct 148.56 7 0.20 - 13 1 38
30 Oct 148.97 6.8 0.55 - 12 2 37
29 Oct 150.06 6.25 -0.15 - 12 7 36
28 Oct 149.38 6.4 -3.00 - 6 0 29
25 Oct 145.86 9.4 2.50 - 3 0 29
24 Oct 148.98 6.9 -0.30 - 5 2 28
23 Oct 148.78 7.2 1.40 - 4 2 26
22 Oct 150.39 5.8 1.70 - 4 1 24
18 Oct 155.39 4.1 -1.30 - 7 0 23
17 Oct 152.40 5.4 1.20 - 6 3 23
16 Oct 155.24 4.2 -0.55 - 4 1 19
15 Oct 155.63 4.75 0.80 - 6 4 19
14 Oct 158.32 3.95 0.90 - 3 1 15
11 Oct 160.66 3.05 -0.55 - 1 0 14
10 Oct 159.72 3.6 0.10 - 2 0 13
9 Oct 159.06 3.5 -0.45 - 1 0 13
8 Oct 159.52 3.95 1.40 - 9 -4 12
7 Oct 164.36 2.55 0.25 - 4 0 14
4 Oct 166.75 2.3 -0.10 - 5 2 14
3 Oct 166.98 2.4 0.30 - 2 1 12
1 Oct 167.03 2.1 0.00 - 6 1 10
30 Sept 168.55 2.1 - 10 3 8

For Tata Steel Limited - strike price 150 expiring on 26DEC2024

Delta for 150 PE is -0.94

Historical price for 150 PE is as follows

On 20 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 140.68. The strike last trading price was 9.45, which was 2.45 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 31.80, the open interest changed by -300 which decreased total open position to 1522

On 19 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 143.26. The strike last trading price was 7, which was 1.00 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 29.86, the open interest changed by -275 which decreased total open position to 1822

On 18 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 144.46. The strike last trading price was 6, which was 1.25 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 30.99, the open interest changed by -211 which decreased total open position to 2097

On 17 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 145.68. The strike last trading price was 4.75, which was 1.45 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 23.93, the open interest changed by -4 which decreased total open position to 2315

On 16 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 147.79. The strike last trading price was 3.3, which was 0.40 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 23.38, the open interest changed by 168 which increased total open position to 2319

On 13 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 148.95. The strike last trading price was 2.9, which was 0.65 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 22.74, the open interest changed by -28 which decreased total open position to 2149

On 12 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 150.78. The strike last trading price was 2.25, which was -0.05 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 23.13, the open interest changed by 135 which increased total open position to 2178

On 11 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 150.60. The strike last trading price was 2.3, which was -0.20 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 23.81, the open interest changed by -96 which decreased total open position to 2079

On 10 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 150.32. The strike last trading price was 2.5, which was -0.55 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 23.89, the open interest changed by 32 which increased total open position to 2225

On 9 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 149.88. The strike last trading price was 3.05, which was -0.75 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 25.21, the open interest changed by 318 which increased total open position to 2197

On 6 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 148.29. The strike last trading price was 3.8, which was -0.90 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 23.28, the open interest changed by 138 which increased total open position to 1879

On 5 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 147.07. The strike last trading price was 4.7, which was -0.75 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 25.36, the open interest changed by 11 which increased total open position to 1742

On 4 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 145.85. The strike last trading price was 5.45, which was 0.35 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 25.08, the open interest changed by 64 which increased total open position to 1730

On 3 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 146.54. The strike last trading price was 5.1, which was -0.25 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 25.29, the open interest changed by 203 which increased total open position to 1667

On 2 Dec TATASTEEL was trading at 146.41. The strike last trading price was 5.35, which was -1.10 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 25.67, the open interest changed by 70 which increased total open position to 1462

On 29 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 144.54. The strike last trading price was 6.45, which was -1.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.03, the open interest changed by 140 which increased total open position to 1386

On 28 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 143.39. The strike last trading price was 7.45, which was 0.70 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 26.92, the open interest changed by 522 which increased total open position to 1246

On 27 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 144.53. The strike last trading price was 6.75, which was -0.50 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 26.36, the open interest changed by 133 which increased total open position to 723

On 26 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 144.47. The strike last trading price was 7.25, which was -0.45 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.41, the open interest changed by 68 which increased total open position to 590

On 25 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 143.67. The strike last trading price was 7.7, which was -0.90 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.76, the open interest changed by 226 which increased total open position to 522

On 22 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 142.78. The strike last trading price was 8.6, which was -2.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.20, the open interest changed by 103 which increased total open position to 399

On 21 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 140.22. The strike last trading price was 10.6, which was -0.70 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 29.41, the open interest changed by 24 which increased total open position to 296

On 20 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 139.46. The strike last trading price was 11.3, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 31.67, the open interest changed by 18 which increased total open position to 272

On 19 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 139.46. The strike last trading price was 11.3, which was 1.50 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 31.67, the open interest changed by 18 which increased total open position to 272

On 18 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 141.21. The strike last trading price was 9.8, which was -2.55 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 29.12, the open interest changed by 44 which increased total open position to 254

On 14 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 137.98. The strike last trading price was 12.35, which was 1.50 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 30.46, the open interest changed by 3 which increased total open position to 211

On 13 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 139.17. The strike last trading price was 10.85, which was 2.65 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 27.81, the open interest changed by 15 which increased total open position to 207

On 12 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 144.17. The strike last trading price was 8.2, which was 0.45 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.67, the open interest changed by 7 which increased total open position to 190

On 11 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 145.01. The strike last trading price was 7.75, which was 1.15 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 30.25, the open interest changed by 16 which increased total open position to 184

On 8 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 147.57. The strike last trading price was 6.6, which was 1.45 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 29.14, the open interest changed by 38 which increased total open position to 166

On 7 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 150.95. The strike last trading price was 5.15, which was 0.85 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 30.23, the open interest changed by 16 which increased total open position to 128

On 6 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 153.62. The strike last trading price was 4.3, which was -1.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 30.68, the open interest changed by 32 which increased total open position to 111

On 5 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 152.29. The strike last trading price was 5.3, which was -2.75 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 32.73, the open interest changed by 30 which increased total open position to 78

On 4 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 146.95. The strike last trading price was 8.05, which was 1.05 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 34.49, the open interest changed by 8 which increased total open position to 47

On 1 Nov TATASTEEL was trading at 149.75. The strike last trading price was 7, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 2 which increased total open position to 0

On 31 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 148.56. The strike last trading price was 7, which was 0.20 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 30 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 148.97. The strike last trading price was 6.8, which was 0.55 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 29 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 150.06. The strike last trading price was 6.25, which was -0.15 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 28 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 149.38. The strike last trading price was 6.4, which was -3.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 25 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 145.86. The strike last trading price was 9.4, which was 2.50 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 24 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 148.98. The strike last trading price was 6.9, which was -0.30 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 23 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 148.78. The strike last trading price was 7.2, which was 1.40 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 22 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 150.39. The strike last trading price was 5.8, which was 1.70 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 18 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 155.39. The strike last trading price was 4.1, which was -1.30 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 17 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 152.40. The strike last trading price was 5.4, which was 1.20 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 16 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 155.24. The strike last trading price was 4.2, which was -0.55 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 15 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 155.63. The strike last trading price was 4.75, which was 0.80 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 14 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 158.32. The strike last trading price was 3.95, which was 0.90 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 11 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 160.66. The strike last trading price was 3.05, which was -0.55 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 10 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 159.72. The strike last trading price was 3.6, which was 0.10 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 9 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 159.06. The strike last trading price was 3.5, which was -0.45 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 8 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 159.52. The strike last trading price was 3.95, which was 1.40 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 7 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 164.36. The strike last trading price was 2.55, which was 0.25 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 4 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 166.75. The strike last trading price was 2.3, which was -0.10 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 3 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 166.98. The strike last trading price was 2.4, which was 0.30 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 1 Oct TATASTEEL was trading at 167.03. The strike last trading price was 2.1, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to

On 30 Sept TATASTEEL was trading at 168.55. The strike last trading price was 2.1, which was lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to