Nifty Bank
Historical option data for BANKNIFTY
26 Dec 2024 04:13 PM IST
BANKNIFTY 29JAN2025 49500 CE | ||||||||||
Delta: 0.85
Vega: 36.30
Theta: -18.73
Gamma: 0.00
Date | Close | Ltp | Change | IV | Volume | Change OI | OI | |||
26 Dec | 51170.70 | 2343.15 | -153.10 | 13.93 | 1,192 | 386 | 1,134 | |||
24 Dec | 51233.00 | 2496.25 | -14.20 | 15.06 | 323 | 138 | 748 | |||
23 Dec | 51317.60 | 2510.45 | 302.40 | 14.76 | 156 | 75 | 610 | |||
20 Dec | 50759.20 | 2208.05 | -750.85 | 14.77 | 588 | 341 | 535 | |||
19 Dec | 51575.70 | 2958.9 | -479.70 | 17.52 | 29 | 16 | 194 | |||
18 Dec | 52139.55 | 3438.6 | -911.40 | 16.31 | 107 | 11 | 146 | |||
17 Dec | 52834.80 | 4350 | -247.30 | 25.73 | 1 | 0 | 136 | |||
16 Dec | 53581.35 | 4597.3 | -2.80 | 11.00 | 127 | 4 | 136 | |||
13 Dec | 53583.80 | 4600.1 | 979.10 | - | 139 | 62 | 134 | |||
12 Dec | 53216.45 | 3621 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
11 Dec | 53391.35 | 3621 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
10 Dec | 53577.70 | 3621 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
9 Dec | 53407.75 | 3621 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
6 Dec | 53509.50 | 3621 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
5 Dec | 53603.55 | 3621 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
4 Dec | 53266.90 | 3621 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
3 Dec | 52695.75 | 3621 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
2 Dec | 52109.00 | 3621 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | -2 | 0 | |||
29 Nov | 52055.60 | 3621 | 102.95 | 16.22 | 2 | -1 | 73 | |||
28 Nov | 51906.85 | 3518.05 | 38.10 | 14.60 | 9 | 1 | 80 | |||
27 Nov | 52301.80 | 3479.95 | -98.45 | - | 4 | 0 | 80 | |||
26 Nov | 52191.50 | 3578.4 | -8.60 | 9.94 | 81 | 32 | 81 | |||
25 Nov | 52207.50 | 3587 | 937.85 | 8.29 | 5 | -4 | 49 | |||
22 Nov | 51135.40 | 2649.15 | 460.05 | 10.19 | 5 | 0 | 53 | |||
21 Nov | 50372.90 | 2189.1 | -455.90 | 11.40 | 53 | 44 | 49 | |||
19 Nov | 50626.50 | 2645 | 330.55 | 17.02 | 8 | 0 | 4 | |||
18 Nov | 50363.80 | 2314.45 | 17.00 | 13.49 | 4 | -2 | 4 | |||
14 Nov | 50179.55 | 2297.45 | -703.55 | 13.82 | 5 | 4 | 5 | |||
13 Nov | 50088.35 | 3001 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |||
12 Nov | 51157.80 | 3001 | -1047.70 | 13.46 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |||
11 Nov | 51876.75 | 4048.7 | 0.00 | - | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
8 Nov | 51561.20 | 4048.7 | 0.00 | - | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
7 Nov | 51916.50 | 4048.7 | 0.00 | - | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
6 Nov | 52317.40 | 4048.7 | 0.00 | - | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
5 Nov | 52207.25 | 4048.7 | 4048.70 | - | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
4 Nov | 51215.25 | 0 | 0.00 | - | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
1 Nov | 51673.90 | 0 | 0.00 | - | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
31 Oct | 51559.20 | 0.00 | - | 0 | 0 | 0 |
For Nifty Bank - strike price 49500 expiring on 29JAN2025
Delta for 49500 CE is 0.85
Historical price for 49500 CE is as follows
On 26 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 51170.70. The strike last trading price was 2343.15, which was -153.10 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 13.93, the open interest changed by 386 which increased total open position to 1134
On 24 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 51233.00. The strike last trading price was 2496.25, which was -14.20 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 15.06, the open interest changed by 138 which increased total open position to 748
On 23 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 51317.60. The strike last trading price was 2510.45, which was 302.40 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 14.76, the open interest changed by 75 which increased total open position to 610
On 20 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 50759.20. The strike last trading price was 2208.05, which was -750.85 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 14.77, the open interest changed by 341 which increased total open position to 535
On 19 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 51575.70. The strike last trading price was 2958.9, which was -479.70 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.52, the open interest changed by 16 which increased total open position to 194
On 18 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 52139.55. The strike last trading price was 3438.6, which was -911.40 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 16.31, the open interest changed by 11 which increased total open position to 146
On 17 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 52834.80. The strike last trading price was 4350, which was -247.30 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 25.73, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 136
On 16 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53581.35. The strike last trading price was 4597.3, which was -2.80 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 11.00, the open interest changed by 4 which increased total open position to 136
On 13 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53583.80. The strike last trading price was 4600.1, which was 979.10 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 62 which increased total open position to 134
On 12 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53216.45. The strike last trading price was 3621, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 11 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53391.35. The strike last trading price was 3621, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 10 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53577.70. The strike last trading price was 3621, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 9 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53407.75. The strike last trading price was 3621, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 6 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53509.50. The strike last trading price was 3621, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 5 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53603.55. The strike last trading price was 3621, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 4 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53266.90. The strike last trading price was 3621, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 3 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 52695.75. The strike last trading price was 3621, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 2 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 52109.00. The strike last trading price was 3621, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by -2 which decreased total open position to 0
On 29 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 52055.60. The strike last trading price was 3621, which was 102.95 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 16.22, the open interest changed by -1 which decreased total open position to 73
On 28 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51906.85. The strike last trading price was 3518.05, which was 38.10 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 14.60, the open interest changed by 1 which increased total open position to 80
On 27 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 52301.80. The strike last trading price was 3479.95, which was -98.45 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 80
On 26 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 52191.50. The strike last trading price was 3578.4, which was -8.60 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 9.94, the open interest changed by 32 which increased total open position to 81
On 25 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 52207.50. The strike last trading price was 3587, which was 937.85 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 8.29, the open interest changed by -4 which decreased total open position to 49
On 22 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51135.40. The strike last trading price was 2649.15, which was 460.05 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 10.19, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 53
On 21 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 50372.90. The strike last trading price was 2189.1, which was -455.90 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 11.40, the open interest changed by 44 which increased total open position to 49
On 19 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 50626.50. The strike last trading price was 2645, which was 330.55 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.02, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 4
On 18 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 50363.80. The strike last trading price was 2314.45, which was 17.00 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 13.49, the open interest changed by -2 which decreased total open position to 4
On 14 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 50179.55. The strike last trading price was 2297.45, which was -703.55 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 13.82, the open interest changed by 4 which increased total open position to 5
On 13 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 50088.35. The strike last trading price was 3001, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 1 which increased total open position to 0
On 12 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51157.80. The strike last trading price was 3001, which was -1047.70 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 13.46, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 11 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51876.75. The strike last trading price was 4048.7, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 8 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51561.20. The strike last trading price was 4048.7, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 7 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51916.50. The strike last trading price was 4048.7, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 6 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 52317.40. The strike last trading price was 4048.7, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 5 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 52207.25. The strike last trading price was 4048.7, which was 4048.70 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 4 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51215.25. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 1 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51673.90. The strike last trading price was 0, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 31 Oct BANKNIFTY was trading at 51559.20. The strike last trading price was 0.00, which was lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to
BANKNIFTY 29JAN2025 49500 PE | |||||||
Delta: -0.19
Vega: 42.80
Theta: -7.83
Gamma: 0.00
Date | Close | Ltp | Change | IV | Volume | Change OI | OI |
26 Dec | 51170.70 | 287.75 | 44.90 | 16.86 | 1,24,734 | 6,579 | 28,101 |
24 Dec | 51233.00 | 242.85 | -25.45 | 15.83 | 30,591 | 3,618 | 21,573 |
23 Dec | 51317.60 | 268.3 | -183.00 | 16.31 | 35,034 | -7,150 | 17,999 |
20 Dec | 50759.20 | 451.3 | 162.35 | 17.66 | 19,621 | -599 | 25,172 |
19 Dec | 51575.70 | 288.95 | 81.45 | 17.39 | 22,260 | 3,598 | 25,777 |
18 Dec | 52139.55 | 207.5 | 45.95 | 17.44 | 18,150 | 4,588 | 22,196 |
17 Dec | 52834.80 | 161.55 | 52.00 | 17.89 | 16,140 | 4,753 | 17,603 |
16 Dec | 53581.35 | 109.55 | -4.30 | 18.03 | 8,813 | 490 | 12,833 |
13 Dec | 53583.80 | 113.85 | -30.15 | 18.10 | 20,976 | 6,428 | 12,632 |
12 Dec | 53216.45 | 144 | -3.50 | 17.89 | 3,381 | 1,332 | 6,178 |
11 Dec | 53391.35 | 147.5 | -0.30 | 18.33 | 4,492 | 1,620 | 4,859 |
10 Dec | 53577.70 | 147.8 | -28.15 | 18.81 | 1,062 | 402 | 3,238 |
9 Dec | 53407.75 | 175.95 | 1.45 | 19.00 | 1,316 | 411 | 2,857 |
6 Dec | 53509.50 | 174.5 | -8.15 | 18.73 | 3,897 | 510 | 2,482 |
5 Dec | 53603.55 | 182.65 | -28.75 | 19.13 | 5,608 | -156 | 2,024 |
4 Dec | 53266.90 | 211.4 | -57.55 | 18.78 | 4,572 | 225 | 2,263 |
3 Dec | 52695.75 | 268.95 | -71.05 | 18.38 | 1,923 | -287 | 2,086 |
2 Dec | 52109.00 | 340 | -5.70 | 18.05 | 3,025 | 257 | 2,372 |
29 Nov | 52055.60 | 345.7 | -15.80 | 17.55 | 1,547 | 299 | 2,109 |
28 Nov | 51906.85 | 361.5 | 55.80 | 17.59 | 1,997 | 338 | 1,891 |
27 Nov | 52301.80 | 305.7 | -47.50 | 17.43 | 1,003 | 228 | 1,555 |
26 Nov | 52191.50 | 353.2 | -11.80 | 17.89 | 3,093 | 368 | 1,333 |
25 Nov | 52207.50 | 365 | -215.00 | 18.04 | 1,138 | 94 | 964 |
22 Nov | 51135.40 | 580 | -145.00 | 17.68 | 471 | -141 | 729 |
21 Nov | 50372.90 | 725 | 19.20 | 17.21 | 497 | 86 | 871 |
19 Nov | 50626.50 | 705.8 | -20.40 | 16.94 | 335 | 124 | 726 |
18 Nov | 50363.80 | 726.2 | -20.40 | 16.72 | 444 | 25 | 603 |
14 Nov | 50179.55 | 746.6 | 71.90 | 16.18 | 668 | 154 | 579 |
13 Nov | 50088.35 | 674.7 | 142.45 | 15.50 | 607 | 125 | 420 |
12 Nov | 51157.80 | 532.25 | 112.50 | 16.39 | 111 | 100 | 299 |
11 Nov | 51876.75 | 419.75 | 7.30 | 16.77 | 151 | 113 | 201 |
8 Nov | 51561.20 | 412.45 | 35.35 | 15.65 | 7 | 4 | 87 |
7 Nov | 51916.50 | 377.1 | -34.95 | 16.07 | 44 | 35 | 81 |
6 Nov | 52317.40 | 412.05 | -247.95 | 17.90 | 5 | -1 | 44 |
5 Nov | 52207.25 | 660 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 45 | 0 |
4 Nov | 51215.25 | 660 | -190.90 | 17.99 | 45 | 43 | 43 |
1 Nov | 51673.90 | 850.9 | 0.00 | 3.03 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
31 Oct | 51559.20 | 850.90 | - | 0 | 0 | 0 |
For Nifty Bank - strike price 49500 expiring on 29JAN2025
Delta for 49500 PE is -0.19
Historical price for 49500 PE is as follows
On 26 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 51170.70. The strike last trading price was 287.75, which was 44.90 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 16.86, the open interest changed by 6579 which increased total open position to 28101
On 24 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 51233.00. The strike last trading price was 242.85, which was -25.45 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 15.83, the open interest changed by 3618 which increased total open position to 21573
On 23 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 51317.60. The strike last trading price was 268.3, which was -183.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 16.31, the open interest changed by -7150 which decreased total open position to 17999
On 20 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 50759.20. The strike last trading price was 451.3, which was 162.35 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.66, the open interest changed by -599 which decreased total open position to 25172
On 19 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 51575.70. The strike last trading price was 288.95, which was 81.45 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.39, the open interest changed by 3598 which increased total open position to 25777
On 18 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 52139.55. The strike last trading price was 207.5, which was 45.95 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.44, the open interest changed by 4588 which increased total open position to 22196
On 17 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 52834.80. The strike last trading price was 161.55, which was 52.00 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.89, the open interest changed by 4753 which increased total open position to 17603
On 16 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53581.35. The strike last trading price was 109.55, which was -4.30 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 18.03, the open interest changed by 490 which increased total open position to 12833
On 13 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53583.80. The strike last trading price was 113.85, which was -30.15 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 18.10, the open interest changed by 6428 which increased total open position to 12632
On 12 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53216.45. The strike last trading price was 144, which was -3.50 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.89, the open interest changed by 1332 which increased total open position to 6178
On 11 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53391.35. The strike last trading price was 147.5, which was -0.30 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 18.33, the open interest changed by 1620 which increased total open position to 4859
On 10 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53577.70. The strike last trading price was 147.8, which was -28.15 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 18.81, the open interest changed by 402 which increased total open position to 3238
On 9 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53407.75. The strike last trading price was 175.95, which was 1.45 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 19.00, the open interest changed by 411 which increased total open position to 2857
On 6 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53509.50. The strike last trading price was 174.5, which was -8.15 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 18.73, the open interest changed by 510 which increased total open position to 2482
On 5 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53603.55. The strike last trading price was 182.65, which was -28.75 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 19.13, the open interest changed by -156 which decreased total open position to 2024
On 4 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 53266.90. The strike last trading price was 211.4, which was -57.55 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 18.78, the open interest changed by 225 which increased total open position to 2263
On 3 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 52695.75. The strike last trading price was 268.95, which was -71.05 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 18.38, the open interest changed by -287 which decreased total open position to 2086
On 2 Dec BANKNIFTY was trading at 52109.00. The strike last trading price was 340, which was -5.70 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 18.05, the open interest changed by 257 which increased total open position to 2372
On 29 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 52055.60. The strike last trading price was 345.7, which was -15.80 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.55, the open interest changed by 299 which increased total open position to 2109
On 28 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51906.85. The strike last trading price was 361.5, which was 55.80 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.59, the open interest changed by 338 which increased total open position to 1891
On 27 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 52301.80. The strike last trading price was 305.7, which was -47.50 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.43, the open interest changed by 228 which increased total open position to 1555
On 26 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 52191.50. The strike last trading price was 353.2, which was -11.80 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.89, the open interest changed by 368 which increased total open position to 1333
On 25 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 52207.50. The strike last trading price was 365, which was -215.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 18.04, the open interest changed by 94 which increased total open position to 964
On 22 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51135.40. The strike last trading price was 580, which was -145.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.68, the open interest changed by -141 which decreased total open position to 729
On 21 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 50372.90. The strike last trading price was 725, which was 19.20 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.21, the open interest changed by 86 which increased total open position to 871
On 19 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 50626.50. The strike last trading price was 705.8, which was -20.40 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 16.94, the open interest changed by 124 which increased total open position to 726
On 18 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 50363.80. The strike last trading price was 726.2, which was -20.40 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 16.72, the open interest changed by 25 which increased total open position to 603
On 14 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 50179.55. The strike last trading price was 746.6, which was 71.90 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 16.18, the open interest changed by 154 which increased total open position to 579
On 13 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 50088.35. The strike last trading price was 674.7, which was 142.45 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 15.50, the open interest changed by 125 which increased total open position to 420
On 12 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51157.80. The strike last trading price was 532.25, which was 112.50 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 16.39, the open interest changed by 100 which increased total open position to 299
On 11 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51876.75. The strike last trading price was 419.75, which was 7.30 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 16.77, the open interest changed by 113 which increased total open position to 201
On 8 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51561.20. The strike last trading price was 412.45, which was 35.35 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 15.65, the open interest changed by 4 which increased total open position to 87
On 7 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51916.50. The strike last trading price was 377.1, which was -34.95 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 16.07, the open interest changed by 35 which increased total open position to 81
On 6 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 52317.40. The strike last trading price was 412.05, which was -247.95 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.90, the open interest changed by -1 which decreased total open position to 44
On 5 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 52207.25. The strike last trading price was 660, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 45 which increased total open position to 0
On 4 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51215.25. The strike last trading price was 660, which was -190.90 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 17.99, the open interest changed by 43 which increased total open position to 43
On 1 Nov BANKNIFTY was trading at 51673.90. The strike last trading price was 850.9, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 3.03, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0
On 31 Oct BANKNIFTY was trading at 51559.20. The strike last trading price was 850.90, which was lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by which decreased total open position to