Ambuja Cements Ltd

578.9 0.45 (0.08%)

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Historical option data for AMBUJACEM

12 Dec 2024 11:20 AM IST
Delta: 0.10
Vega: 0.20
Theta: -0.23
Gamma: 0.00
Date Close Ltp Change IV Volume Change OI OI
12 Dec 578.25 1.6 0.55 31.31 687 -39 615
11 Dec 578.45 1.05 0.05 27.91 604 87 654
10 Dec 573.50 1 0.00 28.07 245 16 571
9 Dec 571.30 1 -0.15 28.78 312 13 559
6 Dec 565.30 1.15 -0.50 28.75 194 37 547
5 Dec 571.10 1.65 -0.05 28.17 294 35 510
4 Dec 564.70 1.7 -0.10 30.45 410 11 477
3 Dec 566.55 1.8 1.05 30.00 1,518 156 488
2 Dec 538.80 0.75 0.00 33.06 48 13 333
29 Nov 531.50 0.75 0.30 32.48 116 3 320
28 Nov 513.00 0.45 -0.40 35.41 86 54 317
27 Nov 515.00 0.85 0.65 37.69 237 26 262
26 Nov 493.70 0.2 -0.40 35.79 236 221 236
25 Nov 504.95 0.6 -0.40 37.24 12 6 13
22 Nov 499.85 1 -0.25 39.72 1 0 7
21 Nov 484.15 1.25 -0.35 47.89 2 1 6
20 Nov 549.55 1.6 0.00 26.24 21 5 2
19 Nov 549.55 1.6 1.60 26.24 21 2 2
1 Nov 582.45 0 4.49 0 0 0

For Ambuja Cements Ltd - strike price 630 expiring on 26DEC2024

Delta for 630 CE is 0.10

Historical price for 630 CE is as follows

On 12 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 578.25. The strike last trading price was 1.6, which was 0.55 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 31.31, the open interest changed by -39 which decreased total open position to 615

On 11 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 578.45. The strike last trading price was 1.05, which was 0.05 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 27.91, the open interest changed by 87 which increased total open position to 654

On 10 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 573.50. The strike last trading price was 1, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.07, the open interest changed by 16 which increased total open position to 571

On 9 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 571.30. The strike last trading price was 1, which was -0.15 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.78, the open interest changed by 13 which increased total open position to 559

On 6 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 565.30. The strike last trading price was 1.15, which was -0.50 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.75, the open interest changed by 37 which increased total open position to 547

On 5 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 571.10. The strike last trading price was 1.65, which was -0.05 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.17, the open interest changed by 35 which increased total open position to 510

On 4 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 564.70. The strike last trading price was 1.7, which was -0.10 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 30.45, the open interest changed by 11 which increased total open position to 477

On 3 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 566.55. The strike last trading price was 1.8, which was 1.05 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 30.00, the open interest changed by 156 which increased total open position to 488

On 2 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 538.80. The strike last trading price was 0.75, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 33.06, the open interest changed by 13 which increased total open position to 333

On 29 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 531.50. The strike last trading price was 0.75, which was 0.30 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 32.48, the open interest changed by 3 which increased total open position to 320

On 28 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 513.00. The strike last trading price was 0.45, which was -0.40 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 35.41, the open interest changed by 54 which increased total open position to 317

On 27 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 515.00. The strike last trading price was 0.85, which was 0.65 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 37.69, the open interest changed by 26 which increased total open position to 262

On 26 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 493.70. The strike last trading price was 0.2, which was -0.40 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 35.79, the open interest changed by 221 which increased total open position to 236

On 25 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 504.95. The strike last trading price was 0.6, which was -0.40 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 37.24, the open interest changed by 6 which increased total open position to 13

On 22 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 499.85. The strike last trading price was 1, which was -0.25 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 39.72, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 7

On 21 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 484.15. The strike last trading price was 1.25, which was -0.35 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 47.89, the open interest changed by 1 which increased total open position to 6

On 20 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 549.55. The strike last trading price was 1.6, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 26.24, the open interest changed by 5 which increased total open position to 2

On 19 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 549.55. The strike last trading price was 1.6, which was 1.60 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 26.24, the open interest changed by 2 which increased total open position to 2

On 1 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 582.45. The strike last trading price was 0, which was lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 4.49, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

Delta: -0.87
Vega: 0.24
Theta: -0.15
Gamma: 0.01
Date Close Ltp Change IV Volume Change OI OI
12 Dec 578.25 51.85 0.85 35.62 16 -1 406
11 Dec 578.45 51 -3.40 25.42 4 -2 407
10 Dec 573.50 54.4 0.00 0.00 0 -2 0
9 Dec 571.30 54.4 -4.85 - 3 -1 410
6 Dec 565.30 59.25 -1.75 - 10 0 413
5 Dec 571.10 61 -0.75 42.99 18 11 412
4 Dec 564.70 61.75 -1.80 21.91 5 0 401
3 Dec 566.55 63.55 -25.45 33.48 71 27 412
2 Dec 538.80 89 -21.00 38.70 3 0 386
29 Nov 531.50 110 0.00 0.00 0 64 0
28 Nov 513.00 110 -0.10 - 64 63 385
27 Nov 515.00 110.1 -21.90 39.09 45 44 321
26 Nov 493.70 132 15.00 46.49 256 255 277
25 Nov 504.95 117 -16.75 - 6 5 21
22 Nov 499.85 133.75 0.00 0.00 0 11 0
21 Nov 484.15 133.75 58.75 - 11 10 15
20 Nov 549.55 75 0.00 29.03 5 5 2
19 Nov 549.55 75 75.00 29.03 5 2 2
1 Nov 582.45 0 - 0 0 0

For Ambuja Cements Ltd - strike price 630 expiring on 26DEC2024

Delta for 630 PE is -0.87

Historical price for 630 PE is as follows

On 12 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 578.25. The strike last trading price was 51.85, which was 0.85 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 35.62, the open interest changed by -1 which decreased total open position to 406

On 11 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 578.45. The strike last trading price was 51, which was -3.40 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 25.42, the open interest changed by -2 which decreased total open position to 407

On 10 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 573.50. The strike last trading price was 54.4, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by -2 which decreased total open position to 0

On 9 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 571.30. The strike last trading price was 54.4, which was -4.85 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -1 which decreased total open position to 410

On 6 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 565.30. The strike last trading price was 59.25, which was -1.75 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 413

On 5 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 571.10. The strike last trading price was 61, which was -0.75 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 42.99, the open interest changed by 11 which increased total open position to 412

On 4 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 564.70. The strike last trading price was 61.75, which was -1.80 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 21.91, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 401

On 3 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 566.55. The strike last trading price was 63.55, which was -25.45 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 33.48, the open interest changed by 27 which increased total open position to 412

On 2 Dec AMBUJACEM was trading at 538.80. The strike last trading price was 89, which was -21.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 38.70, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 386

On 29 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 531.50. The strike last trading price was 110, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 64 which increased total open position to 0

On 28 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 513.00. The strike last trading price was 110, which was -0.10 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 63 which increased total open position to 385

On 27 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 515.00. The strike last trading price was 110.1, which was -21.90 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 39.09, the open interest changed by 44 which increased total open position to 321

On 26 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 493.70. The strike last trading price was 132, which was 15.00 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 46.49, the open interest changed by 255 which increased total open position to 277

On 25 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 504.95. The strike last trading price was 117, which was -16.75 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 5 which increased total open position to 21

On 22 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 499.85. The strike last trading price was 133.75, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 11 which increased total open position to 0

On 21 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 484.15. The strike last trading price was 133.75, which was 58.75 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 10 which increased total open position to 15

On 20 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 549.55. The strike last trading price was 75, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 29.03, the open interest changed by 5 which increased total open position to 2

On 19 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 549.55. The strike last trading price was 75, which was 75.00 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 29.03, the open interest changed by 2 which increased total open position to 2

On 1 Nov AMBUJACEM was trading at 582.45. The strike last trading price was 0, which was lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0