Grasim Industries Ltd

2488.7 -50.35 (-1.98%)

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Historical option data for GRASIM

20 Dec 2024 04:12 PM IST
GRASIM 26DEC2024 2540 CE
Delta: 0.24
Vega: 0.98
Theta: -1.82
Gamma: 0.00
Date Close Ltp Change IV Volume Change OI OI
20 Dec 2488.70 8.85 -21.65 20.35 1,300 30 212
19 Dec 2539.05 30.5 -34.90 21.10 731 164 181
18 Dec 2594.15 65.4 -20.10 20.94 8 -1 17
17 Dec 2599.70 85.5 -53.10 28.39 5 -2 17
16 Dec 2685.15 138.6 0.00 0.00 0 -2 0
13 Dec 2692.70 138.6 10.95 - 10 -1 20
12 Dec 2660.05 127.65 -36.60 13.79 4 0 20
11 Dec 2670.75 164.25 29.00 34.78 2 0 19
10 Dec 2655.30 135.25 -27.80 22.85 1 0 19
9 Dec 2681.40 163.05 -23.95 25.61 2 -1 18
6 Dec 2701.90 187 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
5 Dec 2706.80 187 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
4 Dec 2717.30 187 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
3 Dec 2714.00 187 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
2 Dec 2693.55 187 60.65 30.41 1 0 19
29 Nov 2606.25 126.35 31.15 28.36 36 5 20
28 Nov 2570.45 95.2 14.20 20.06 33 12 15
27 Nov 2621.90 81 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
26 Nov 2617.20 81 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
25 Nov 2629.80 81 0.00 0.00 0 -1 0
22 Nov 2598.65 81 0.00 0.00 0 -1 0
21 Nov 2534.85 81 1.00 23.60 4 0 4
20 Nov 2508.15 80 0.00 27.20 4 3 1
19 Nov 2508.15 80 2.90 27.20 4 0 1
18 Nov 2517.15 77.1 -149.90 24.41 1 0 0
14 Nov 2523.95 227 0.00 - 0 0 0
4 Nov 2590.60 227 - 0 0 0

For Grasim Industries Ltd - strike price 2540 expiring on 26DEC2024

Delta for 2540 CE is 0.24

Historical price for 2540 CE is as follows

On 20 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2488.70. The strike last trading price was 8.85, which was -21.65 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 20.35, the open interest changed by 30 which increased total open position to 212

On 19 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2539.05. The strike last trading price was 30.5, which was -34.90 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 21.10, the open interest changed by 164 which increased total open position to 181

On 18 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2594.15. The strike last trading price was 65.4, which was -20.10 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 20.94, the open interest changed by -1 which decreased total open position to 17

On 17 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2599.70. The strike last trading price was 85.5, which was -53.10 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.39, the open interest changed by -2 which decreased total open position to 17

On 16 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2685.15. The strike last trading price was 138.6, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by -2 which decreased total open position to 0

On 13 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2692.70. The strike last trading price was 138.6, which was 10.95 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by -1 which decreased total open position to 20

On 12 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2660.05. The strike last trading price was 127.65, which was -36.60 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 13.79, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 20

On 11 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2670.75. The strike last trading price was 164.25, which was 29.00 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 34.78, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 19

On 10 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2655.30. The strike last trading price was 135.25, which was -27.80 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 22.85, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 19

On 9 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2681.40. The strike last trading price was 163.05, which was -23.95 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 25.61, the open interest changed by -1 which decreased total open position to 18

On 6 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2701.90. The strike last trading price was 187, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 5 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2706.80. The strike last trading price was 187, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 4 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2717.30. The strike last trading price was 187, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 3 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2714.00. The strike last trading price was 187, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 2 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2693.55. The strike last trading price was 187, which was 60.65 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 30.41, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 19

On 29 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2606.25. The strike last trading price was 126.35, which was 31.15 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 28.36, the open interest changed by 5 which increased total open position to 20

On 28 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2570.45. The strike last trading price was 95.2, which was 14.20 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 20.06, the open interest changed by 12 which increased total open position to 15

On 27 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2621.90. The strike last trading price was 81, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 26 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2617.20. The strike last trading price was 81, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 25 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2629.80. The strike last trading price was 81, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by -1 which decreased total open position to 0

On 22 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2598.65. The strike last trading price was 81, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by -1 which decreased total open position to 0

On 21 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2534.85. The strike last trading price was 81, which was 1.00 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 23.60, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 4

On 20 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2508.15. The strike last trading price was 80, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 27.20, the open interest changed by 3 which increased total open position to 1

On 19 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2508.15. The strike last trading price was 80, which was 2.90 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 27.20, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 1

On 18 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2517.15. The strike last trading price was 77.1, which was -149.90 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.41, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 14 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2523.95. The strike last trading price was 227, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 4 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2590.60. The strike last trading price was 227, which was lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

GRASIM 26DEC2024 2540 PE
Delta: -0.82
Vega: 0.85
Theta: -0.58
Gamma: 0.01
Date Close Ltp Change IV Volume Change OI OI
20 Dec 2488.70 53.2 22.75 16.35 555 -76 307
19 Dec 2539.05 30.45 17.60 22.39 1,212 91 383
18 Dec 2594.15 12.85 -1.85 21.77 1,008 72 299
17 Dec 2599.70 14.7 10.60 24.22 872 55 235
16 Dec 2685.15 4.1 0.70 24.72 190 -14 186
13 Dec 2692.70 3.4 -2.75 22.59 973 -18 198
12 Dec 2660.05 6.15 -0.75 21.02 608 0 217
11 Dec 2670.75 6.9 -2.35 22.60 383 -45 217
10 Dec 2655.30 9.25 0.70 22.15 336 15 266
9 Dec 2681.40 8.55 1.75 23.86 222 42 258
6 Dec 2701.90 6.8 -1.85 22.75 58 4 214
5 Dec 2706.80 8.65 -0.65 24.26 245 27 211
4 Dec 2717.30 9.3 -1.05 24.72 65 -2 184
3 Dec 2714.00 10.35 -4.45 24.70 253 16 193
2 Dec 2693.55 14.8 -15.15 25.13 485 27 186
29 Nov 2606.25 29.95 -7.50 22.49 427 104 157
28 Nov 2570.45 37.45 9.00 23.04 149 46 52
27 Nov 2621.90 28.45 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
26 Nov 2617.20 28.45 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
25 Nov 2629.80 28.45 -16.55 24.22 17 13 13
22 Nov 2598.65 45 2.05 24.63 11 5 5
21 Nov 2534.85 42.95 0.00 0.69 0 0 0
20 Nov 2508.15 42.95 0.00 - 0 0 0
19 Nov 2508.15 42.95 0.00 - 0 0 0
18 Nov 2517.15 42.95 0.00 - 0 0 0
14 Nov 2523.95 42.95 0.00 0.78 0 0 0
4 Nov 2590.60 42.95 2.42 0 0 0

For Grasim Industries Ltd - strike price 2540 expiring on 26DEC2024

Delta for 2540 PE is -0.82

Historical price for 2540 PE is as follows

On 20 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2488.70. The strike last trading price was 53.2, which was 22.75 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 16.35, the open interest changed by -76 which decreased total open position to 307

On 19 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2539.05. The strike last trading price was 30.45, which was 17.60 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 22.39, the open interest changed by 91 which increased total open position to 383

On 18 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2594.15. The strike last trading price was 12.85, which was -1.85 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 21.77, the open interest changed by 72 which increased total open position to 299

On 17 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2599.70. The strike last trading price was 14.7, which was 10.60 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.22, the open interest changed by 55 which increased total open position to 235

On 16 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2685.15. The strike last trading price was 4.1, which was 0.70 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.72, the open interest changed by -14 which decreased total open position to 186

On 13 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2692.70. The strike last trading price was 3.4, which was -2.75 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 22.59, the open interest changed by -18 which decreased total open position to 198

On 12 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2660.05. The strike last trading price was 6.15, which was -0.75 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 21.02, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 217

On 11 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2670.75. The strike last trading price was 6.9, which was -2.35 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 22.60, the open interest changed by -45 which decreased total open position to 217

On 10 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2655.30. The strike last trading price was 9.25, which was 0.70 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 22.15, the open interest changed by 15 which increased total open position to 266

On 9 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2681.40. The strike last trading price was 8.55, which was 1.75 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 23.86, the open interest changed by 42 which increased total open position to 258

On 6 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2701.90. The strike last trading price was 6.8, which was -1.85 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 22.75, the open interest changed by 4 which increased total open position to 214

On 5 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2706.80. The strike last trading price was 8.65, which was -0.65 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.26, the open interest changed by 27 which increased total open position to 211

On 4 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2717.30. The strike last trading price was 9.3, which was -1.05 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.72, the open interest changed by -2 which decreased total open position to 184

On 3 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2714.00. The strike last trading price was 10.35, which was -4.45 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.70, the open interest changed by 16 which increased total open position to 193

On 2 Dec GRASIM was trading at 2693.55. The strike last trading price was 14.8, which was -15.15 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 25.13, the open interest changed by 27 which increased total open position to 186

On 29 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2606.25. The strike last trading price was 29.95, which was -7.50 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 22.49, the open interest changed by 104 which increased total open position to 157

On 28 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2570.45. The strike last trading price was 37.45, which was 9.00 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 23.04, the open interest changed by 46 which increased total open position to 52

On 27 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2621.90. The strike last trading price was 28.45, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 26 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2617.20. The strike last trading price was 28.45, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.00, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 25 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2629.80. The strike last trading price was 28.45, which was -16.55 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.22, the open interest changed by 13 which increased total open position to 13

On 22 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2598.65. The strike last trading price was 45, which was 2.05 higher than the previous day. The implied volatity was 24.63, the open interest changed by 5 which increased total open position to 5

On 21 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2534.85. The strike last trading price was 42.95, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.69, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 20 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2508.15. The strike last trading price was 42.95, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 19 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2508.15. The strike last trading price was 42.95, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 18 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2517.15. The strike last trading price was 42.95, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was -, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 14 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2523.95. The strike last trading price was 42.95, which was 0.00 lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 0.78, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0

On 4 Nov GRASIM was trading at 2590.60. The strike last trading price was 42.95, which was lower than the previous day. The implied volatity was 2.42, the open interest changed by 0 which decreased total open position to 0